Study links vitamin D deficiency to increased risk of dying from covid-19


The researchers compared the average levels of this vitamin in 20 countries with the rates of infection and mortality from coronavirus.

Low vitamin D levels may be associated with an increased risk of dying from covid-19, suggests a preliminary study by scientists from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation Trust and the University of East Anglia, UK.

The research compared pre-existing data on average vitamin D levels in 20 European countries with rates of infection and mortality from coronavirus. The average amount of vitamin D in the serum samples was 56.79 nmol / L, while any value below 30 nmol / L was considered “severely lacking”.

Meanwhile, previous studies showed an average serum vitamin D in the elderly of 26 nmol / L in Spain, 28 nmol / L in Italy and 45 nmol / L in the Nordic countries. In Switzerland, mean vitamin D levels are 23 nmol / L in nursing homes, while in Italy 76% of women over 70 have been found to have levels below 30nmol / L.

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“These are countries with a high number of covid-19 cases, and the elderly are the group with the highest risk of SARS-Cov2 morbidity and mortality,” the researchers comment.

The study authors conclude that there are “significant relationships” between vitamin D levels and the number of cases of covid-19, and especially the mortality caused by this infection. Furthermore, the most vulnerable population group is also the one with the highest vitamin D deficiency.

Although the study, published on the preprint site Research Square, has not yet been peer-reviewed or reviewed by other scientists, the researchers believe they can recommend “vitamin D supplements to protect us against SARS-CoV2 infection. “

“Sunbathing reduces vulnerability”

Along the same lines, Australian doctor Rachel Neale, specialized in skin cancer, Recently stated that sunbathing for at least 10 minutes a day could significantly reduce the risk of contracting covid-19 because the vitamin D that is generated is very important to our immune system.

“Now more than ever now is not the time to be vitamin D deficient“Because this deficiency increases the risk of suffering from this disease, it could cause them to suffer” worse symptoms, “said the health company.

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