Stories of doctors facing the COVID-19 coronavirus in Colombia


Health professionals and their families deserve all the tributes for being those who have not fainted in this difficult time of humanity.

In Latin, medical means the one who cares for the other or the one who has someone in their care. A profession that most do not choose to become a superhero, but by vocation of life.

This profession is full of challenges and risks, but few like the one they have had this year: to battle an invisible enemy: the coronavirus.

“It was an odyssey to be able to train as a professional because of the costs, look for scholarships, go into debt to get your degree as a health professional, sleepless nights,” recalls general practitioner Johanna Sangeviñez.

For Johanna all that sacrifice was worth it. Today, at almost 50 years of age and with three children, this mother of three young people, but continues her work from home: “I live the situation of COVID-19 doing telemedicine from home and helping and supporting medical professionals in the city where alive. Today I am in the house of my grandson whom I cannot hug and who sees me through this window ”.

OB-GYN doctor Marco Antonio Montejo does not hide the marks of his work saving lives, but highlights the courage of the families of those who, like him, face the coronavirus: “In these times of crisis and pandemic, not only health personnel He is putting all his effort, but also all our families, with whom we share a roof and who assume the risk of infection as we do. ”

Reason why he calls: “I invite all of you to make a better version, not only of us, but also of our country in this fight against the coronavirus ”.

Hippocrates said it well for more than 2,500 years: “Where there is love for men, let there also be love for medical art.”
