son of Álvaro Gómez Hurtado on the assassination of his father


President Iván Duque, former prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez and Mauricio Gómez, son of Álvaro Gómez Hurtado, harshly criticized the version given by the former FARC bets in which they attributed the assassination of the political leader.

The head of state and the family of Gómez Hurtado asked the former guerrillas for conclusive evidence so that the truth they revealed could be a judicial reality.

This request took place during a commemorative act at the Sergio Arboleda University, where Gómez Hurtado taught.

“That groups appear to be awarded such an assassination, but with indeterminate responsibilities, saying that this was thought over 30 years ago and that those who participated are no longer in the earthly world, it seems like a kind of operata to try to build a procedural perimeter to the who knows who service ”said Duque.

In the same sense, Mauricio Gómez, son of the political leader and who He assured that he does not believe in the version given by members of the FARC party. He called on the Truth Commission.

“I have no doubts, I am sure that it was not the FARC. We brought Father De Roux the book that the treasurer of (Ernesto) Samper’s campaign wrote and the Truth Commission has not reacted because they do not have jurisdiction, so they have to add a commission of truth and lies, “said Mauricio Gomez.

The event was attended by Enrique Gómez, the family lawyer, Hernán Jiménez Barrero, former director of the CTI, and former prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez. The latter, in 2017, declared the assassination a crime against humanity.

“Having this information, the JEP should have automatically sent it to the Supreme Court of Justice”Martinez said.

In addition, Martínez Neira argued that in the file that allowed him to declare against humanity there is sufficient evidence that would incriminate the northern Valle cartel and not the FARC.
