Solidarity income in the second batch of quarantine. Phase I is completed and Phase II begins – Sectors – Economy


The extension of the quarantine, until May 11, with the possibility that it will continue for the rest of the month, depending on the course the situation takes – which it is trying to face with emphasis on the protection of people – has many Colombians, mainly to the most vulnerable, wondering what’s next in terms of aid.

Luis Alberto Rodríguez, director of National Planning, entity that has led the organization of databases for the rapid delivery of aid to Colombians who need it most, resolved many of the concerns surrounding the issue. These are the dates and details, program by program.

Solidarity income

The Solidarity Income program is a monetary transfer whose objective is to mitigate the impact caused by the emergency on the population that does not belong to any other social program of the State, but that, due to having an informal labor activity, is now without income due to confinement of a large part of the population.

After a database crossing that was carried out in record time, 3 million Colombian households were chosen that do not belong to Familias en Acción, Youth in Action, Colombia Mayor or VAT Compensation and are in a situation of extreme poverty, poverty or vulnerability

In total, they will receive $ 240,000 during quarantine. The first payment for $ 160,000 and the second for $ 80,000.

In the second batch of quarantine, phase I is completed, that is, Colombians who have not yet received the first transfer, and phase II begins: those who will receive the second transfer.

The delivery begins between this Thursday and April 27, and resolves the main concern that many beneficiaries have: If I received the message as chosen and the transfer has not arrived, what is happening?

As indicated by the director of Planning, “the messages they had received are valid. So far we have only turned to 1.1 million homes and we will reach 3 million. The delays are mainly with the unbanked.”

In addition, added Rodríguez, after the technical difficulty that arose in this exercise that is being done for the first time, and quickly, due to the urgency, “we have had to start verifying cell phone numbers, banking people, among others. That is why we have been delayed. “

During the first phase, 23 banks participated. In the beginning stage, the entities that participate to make the transfers are Davivienda, Movii, Banco de Colombia and Banco Agrario.

And the other programs

During the evening speeches of President Iván Duque, the president has indicated that the Government’s quest is for the aid to remain in force during the quarantine.

This is how, in the case of programs like Familias en Acción, which in normal times have a bimonthly turn, they will also do it in May.

Inclusively, the Government would be preparing economically for a third round of aid if the situation so merited.

VAT refund

The VAT refund is another of the money transfers that are supporting Colombian families in times of need. Although this is a measure that was not born as a result of the pandemic, but had been on the way for some time, it coincided with the difficulty presented by the health, economic and ecological emergency that led to the coronavirus. Unlike Solidarity Income, it is a permanent measure that returns to people with lower incomes what they pay for VAT when making their purchases.

On average, the transfer is 75,000 pesos. It covers the population that is part of programs such as Familias en Acción, Jóvenes en Acción and Colombia Mayor, but reaches income deciles 1 and 2, that is, those with the lowest resources.

In accordance with what was expressed by the Planning Director, most of the money for March and April has already been covered and now it will be for May and June.

The goal at this juncture is 1’000,000 families, a figure that is 80%. The expectation was to cover 2,000,000 families in 2022, but due to the coronavirus and the economic needs of the most vulnerable people, the total number of families benefited will be reached in the next year.

VAT refund orders are made through Daviplata and Fiduagraria.

