So goes the complaint against DJ Hernán Cayetano, partner of the Baum Festival, accused of drugging and raping a woman


DJ Hernán Cayetano.  Photo: instagram @hernancayetano
DJ Hernán Cayetano. Photo: instagram @hernancayetano

For alleged sexual abuse, a woman reported to the Attorney General’s Office a Hernán Cayetano Morales Téllez, better known in the musical world as Hernán Cayetano, DJ, Baum club member and one of the creators of the Baum Festival, an electronic music festival of great relevance in Latin America.

Martina, name changed at the request of the victim and who spoke with the newspaper El Espectador to tell her testimony and give details of the event, assures that the facts were recorded on Saturday April 2, 2016 when she was 21 years old.

Hernán Cayetano says that the complaint is false and everything is part of a conspiracy against him and his partners. Martina says that at the party they were at when the event occurred, Cayetano went with a bag of seeds that he offered to the victim and after ingesting them, the victim says, she felt dizzy. “I began to feel something that I had never felt before and I have been using drugs since I was 16,” the complainant told the newspaper.

The victim says that one of her friends insisted that she stay that night at Morales Tellez’s house in the Polo neighborhood of Bogotá. Martina says that she did not drink alcohol that night, that she lay down on a mattress on the floor and that the last she remembers are images of the DJ “He opens the door, picks me up and takes me to his room. When I react, the man was penetrating me. I realized it, but my muscles and my brain were not responding”Says the victim.

The complainant explains that after the alleged sexual assault, the DJ paid her an Uber for her to return to Club Baum to collect some belongings she had left behind and then return home.

Martina assures that after the rape of which she was a victim, she fell into depression and “did not feel self-love.” In addition, Martina assures El Espectador that on August 27, 2020 he sued Hernán Cayetano before the authorities; He assures that his motivation for making the complaint was the sexual harassment claims against Ciro Guerra.

After the lawsuit, on October 6, the investigations began in which the authors of the event were called to declare. Martina had to undergo the examination that is carried out when there are complaints of violent carnal harassment. El Espectador assures that there were only two of those called to the hearing and one of them requested protection measures from the Prosecutor’s Office for fear of reprisals. Martina has protection too.

“We had sex, she fell asleep, we had sex again when she woke up. It is not true that she was unconscious, that I changed her room, I did not do those things. And if I have had drugs in my possession, it has been for my own use. I never got to offer (drugs) to someone like that. It is simply not correct, ”Hernán Cayetano told the aforementioned newspaper.

Martina loved going to the Baum club, but assures that after the events she was discriminated against and treated differently in that place. In fact, he assures that DJ Hernán himself told him one day: ‘Do not you see? I don’t want you to come in, I don’t feel like it ”. She says that after that she very rarely returned for fear that others would speak ill of her.

After these complaints, Hernán Cayetano gave evidence to The Spectator that shows photos of Martina in the bar and guest list that reflect that the young woman returned on occasions.

However, several DJ’s and those close to the man claim that he changed and that power and fame made him different. One of them, Valentina Lozano, told the newspaper in mention that Hernán was “Pushy, macho, bad person. It is tenacious. Every weekend I was with a different woman ”, without this representing a crime.

Former employees of the Baum club assured that they saw Hernán with bags of drugs to seduce women. However, the individual denied this accusation.

Despite various controversies by former partners of Hernán Cayetano, the process remains in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office and Martina says that she hopes that her testimony will help many women to report acts of violence and sexual harassment. In addition, he exhorted those who sexually harass women: “I want you to think twice about wanting to do this to a woman. You don’t go to a party to be raped, you go to enjoy yourself, to share with your friends, not to feel insecure “.
