Shinzo Abe, Japanese Prime Minister, announces his resignation for health reasons – Asia – International


Shinzo Abe announced on Friday his resignation as Prime Minister of Japan, a decision he made last Monday but that He only confirmed this Friday to close the last fringes of his management, the longest in the history of modern Japan.

Abe, 65, notified his intention to resign for the same health reasons that thirteen years ago led to his first resignation as prime minister: chronic ulcerative colitis that he has suffered since he was a teenager.

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“If you are sick and not in good physical shape, you should not make important political decisions or fail to produce results,” said the prime minister at a press conference at the headquarters of the Headquarters.

Abe appeared before reporters with no signs of deteriorating health, looking like he was relieved by the decision., which, apparently, he had been ruminating for a month, when the doctors detected signs of the disease that forced his resignation in 2007.

As he recounted this Friday, last June she had a regular check-up and signs were found that her chronic ulcerative colitis was returning, and from then on he began to be treated with a new drug.

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If you are sick and not in good physical shape, you should not make important political decisions or stop producing results

‘The new drug requires continuous monitoring’

“Since last month, my health has deteriorated, and I have lost a lot of strength … The new drug that they are giving me requires continuous monitoring,” Abe said.

Taking into account that he cannot “produce the desired results” in his governmental efforts, he decided to present his resignation because, as he said, “in politics the most important thing is to generate results.”

He had medical tests on August 17 and 24, but Spokesmen had repeatedly insisted that the prime minister was in good health and denied that he wanted to resign.

But after the tests they did last Monday, where they confirmed the diagnosis and told him that the new treatment required very close attention, he decided it was time to leave the head of government.

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“For eight years I have been able to manage my illness well, and I have been able to dedicate myself fully to my duties as Prime Minister.”He added, but now added that he had decided that the same evil was forcing him to abandon power.

Abe said that the decision he adopted on Monday was not consulted “with anyone else”, and only made it known this Friday, at a press conference that, in principle, was only going to talk about policies against the coronavirus pandemic and detail your health problems.

He chose to give himself a period of several days before making the announcement to complete a series of decisions to fight covid-19, some of which he outlined this Friday at his press conference, in the seven minutes before he announced his resignation.

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2,799 days as prime minister

The last visit to the hospital, last Monday, coincided with a record in his administration: 2,799 days in a row as prime minister, the longest consecutive period in the recent history of the country.

Already on November 20, he had become the head of government with the longest time in power, uniting both his current and previous terms.

Although journalists asked him several times if he had preferences for his successor, Abe avoided giving specific names, although he insisted on the challenges he will have to control the coronavirus pandemic, his most difficult challenge in the last stage of his administration.

Successor must come from the ranks of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (PLD), whose leadership, according to Abe, was finalizing this Friday the process to propose the candidate who will foreseeably be elected by the Diet (Parliament).

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On the previous occasion, when Abe resigned in 2007, this process lasted a couple of weeks, and the system that the PLD will choose to appoint the candidate is yet to be known in detail, different from the one that exists in a routine nomination process.

Abe had to leave the leadership of the PLD in September 2021This was implied by his departure from the government, something he is doing now in advance, forced by his health problems, which opens an intense political stage to select his successor.

