Shakira | The investigation that the Hacienda did to the Colombian in Spain – Culture


In order to demonstrate that at the beginning of the last decade Shakira did not live in the Bahamas but in Spain, which forced her to pay taxes in the Iberian country, an inspector to whom the newspaper The country identifies as Susana C, made the chronology of each step taken by the singer from Barranquilla, since her relationship with the Catalan soccer player Gerard Piqué began.

According The country, “The Treasury knows more about Shakira than any journalist of the heart” and this investigation that “has rebuilt her life and stripped her economic empire”, has put Shakira “on the ropes for defrauding 14.5 million (euros)”. The article in which this report is collected is titled ‘This is how the trail of Shakira continued’.

If it is shown that the Colombian superstar had lived in Barcelona since before 2014 and not in the Bahamas, as he alleges, it would indicate that he would have stopped paying taxes to which he was obliged in the country where he now resides.

(You can also read: Shakira and her Spanish court date: ‘There is no debt’).

According to the newspaper, Shakira, who claims that she only resided in Barcelona since 2014, had long before received private French and Zumba classes, went to the hairdresser twice a week, her assistants paid her expenses at El Corte Ingles, restaurants and hotels with American Express credit cards. “It is even known that when she went to the Teknon clinic, where she gave birth to her children, she did so under the pseudonym of Sila Prieto,” she says.

The research starts with the beginning of the relationship between Shakira and Piqué in 2011. It takes into account the first rental of a house and their subsequent moves until the purchase of the couple’s house in the Espluges neighborhood, near the sports city of the football team to which the player belongs.

(It may interest you: The times that Shakira has gone through court).

In addition to following each expense in detail, the investigation went to the social networks of the singer’s fans, who usually photograph and tag her. So they have been able to establish the steps taken by the celebrity, their comings and goings, by concerts, television recordings in the United States (The voice), vacations, tours and other commitments.

“These fans have become, in spite of themselves, one more proof of the alleged tax fraud,” the quoted newspaper reads, adding that “in 2011, it was located 60 times in Spain, many more than in any of the 37 countries in the world who visited that year. None of them, by the way, were Bahamas. “


Image of the video of the Waka Waka, in the recording of this musical piece, Shakira and Gerarld Piqué, her current partner and father of her children, met.

The inspector says that Shakira affirms “without evidence” that she did not live in Spain until the end of 2014, when she was already the mother of her first child (Milan) and was waiting for the second, Sasha. But the investigator of her case indicates that the fact that Shakira showed a permanent residence permit in Nassau (granted by the Bahamas in 2007) is not proof of this. According to her, it was established that the “only requirement to obtain this certificate is to buy a house, the more expensive the better.”

Shakira then sent the utility bills for the Nassau house, but the inspector seeks to demonstrate that the services were paid for by a company “and they were not consumed by her, but by the employees who looked after the farm.” She also used the testimonies of Shakira’s previous partner, the Argentine Antonio de la Rúa, when once their relationship was broken, she sued the Colombian.

The inspector then cited a judicial statement from De la Rúa in which she affirmed that he was going to stay at the house in the Bahamas and that Shakira “sent her assistants to collect her belongings.”

Another point that the representative of the Spanish state argues as proof is that once the singer’s inner circle (parents, siblings, assistants, the director of her foundation, stylists, producers and friends) was defined, almost everyone traveled to visit her in Barcelona between 2011 and 2013 and not the Bahamas.

On the other hand, the investigator highlights that Shakira has not presented plane tickets or other evidence linking her to Nassau, not even of a passage through the island when she was traveling to the United States. She dares to say that Shakira did not set foot on the island for a single day.

Legally, in the Bahamas there is no tax like the Spanish one – highlighted the important newspaper of that country – that obliges to pay taxes on what is earned no matter where, as long as the person resides in its territory.

(Also: Shakira claims to be a scapegoat in case of tax fraud in Spain).

Apparently, the follow-up seeks not to leave loose ends, it has even reviewed the credit cards of Shakira’s brothers, as well as the records of hairdressers and establishments where the singer could acquire some service.

Incidentally, the inspector indicates that behind the singer there is a structure of “up to 14 companies without material or human resources, some in tax havens, which only served to hide the true owner of their profits” and describes movements made even prior to the period of time that interests the Spanish treasury.

The country, which also included in its report a chronology of the singer’s entries and exits and her location in the world, as an example, she says in her article that “The Treasury concludes that Shakira defrauded the personal income tax and assets for four years. more income, 2011 (…) could not be brought to justice because it had prescribed. It was closed with an act of disagreement: the singer paid 24 million euros (the defrauded fee) to regularize before claiming before the Tax Agency “.

He adds that in the years that the Prosecutor’s Office does investigate (2012 to 2014) the artist earned about 34.9 million and stopped paying the treasury 14.5. This is why the artist is charged with six tax crimes. The article ends by saying that last summer, Shakira insisted that in those years she did not live in Spain, that being from here to there she was a “nomad without roots.”

