Sergio Fajardo launches a severe attack against Daniel Quintero, mayor of Medellín – Politics


The former mayor of Medellín and former governor of Antioquia, Sergio Fajardo, this Sunday night launched a severe criticism of the current mayor of the Antioquia capital, Daniel Quintero, whom he accuses of “enjoying immense power” with which ” daily he exploits his liveliness to move in the world of digital social networks “.

(Read: Uribe accuses Quintero of fomenting ‘class hatred’).

Fajardo’s criticism is consigned in an open letter in which, however, and without explanation, he omits Quintero’s name. He only limits himself to pointing it out: ‘the Mayor’.

Fajardo says that “we started the year with another chapter of the destruction of EPM. The statements of the fired manager, personal friend and political ally of the Mayor and placed in that position by himself, reveal the growing contradictions and confrontations that now abound in the company. No matter how many smoke screens they raise and lies told, the damage is deep and costly. “

(We recommend: Daniel Quintero goes viral after dropping an ‘unbreakable’ computer).

“EPM is a particular case, undoubtedly the most significant, of the political project led by the Mayor, who said clearly and forcefully what he intends: to sweep away the structure of the city built in recent years, since he and his team they are the new and only expression of the citizens of Medellín. ‘The future looks like us. Medellín no longer belongs to them’, he asserts in a quarrelsome tone, “writes Fajardo.

The Mayor won the elections with the support of groups of the old politics that, camouflaged behind the renovating image, lent him their old and well-known methods

“We, with our Citizen Commitment movement, began the transformation of Medellín in 2000. Promoting a civic break with traditional politics, we convened multiple and diverse sectors of society, we walked for 3 years through all corners of the city to listen and to understand, and thus we learned, listening to people and community organizations that had no voice. We united, we knocked down the walls of a fragmented, unequal and violent city, we defeated all powerful machines and came to power, “he says.

(We recommend: Will the ‘greens’ come to the presidential campaign divided?).

“We governed without hatred or anger and Medellín went from fear to hope. RWe learned about the strengths of the city, its civic spirit, and we collected the accumulated knowledge of many years. We have the contribution of broad sectors, we improve the social fabric, we take care of public resources and we multiply the wealth of the city. Of course, we made mistakes and we were left with pending tasks, “adds Fajardo.

“The Mayor was able to put on his side the dissatisfaction of many people with the current situation in the city, took advantage of the vacuum of new leaderships in Antioquia society and won the elections with the support of groups of the old politics that, camouflaged behind the renewing image, they lent him their old and well-known methods “, explains the presidential candidate.

“He enjoys immense power and daily exploits his liveliness to move in the world of digital social networks. He is doing what he wants, how he wants, with the team he brought in to advance his project, in direct cooperation with his true allies who are no longer camouflaged. The initial makeup disappeared. He is in charge and the public is his spectator, “argues the former Antioquia governor.

(See: The ‘greens’ statement on talks with Petro).

Daniel Quintero

Daniel Quintero, current mayor of Medellín.


Courtesy of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín

“The strategy is simple and effective: it chose EPM as a symbol of the corruption it claims to attack. Hidroituango’s collapse is a true, tangible and visible fact that rightly causes a lot of annoyance and disagreement. Therefore, it is easy for the mayor — primer popularism — to tell the citizens that he is the one who is going to save them. By means of a tweet or a video, he sets up lies and his digital troops are responsible for repeating it until it seems true, all without the slightest shame. The policy of anything goes, “he says.

“What can be done knowing that a revocation is counterproductive and that engaging in a dispute on the networks using the methods they use is a losing battle because in those areas they are kings and lords?”

(Read also: Face to face for the management of EPM).

“First, to recognize that we are in a political confrontation and in that field leadership and political commitment are required, and that no matter how difficult it is, we must always play fair and respect,” he says.

“To begin with, it is necessary to identify which are the institutions that are destroying. The list is long and this is just beginning, because they go through everything, without scruples: EPM heads, then they come Ruta N, Buen Comienzo, the Botanical Garden, the Inder, Isvimed , Metroparques, Metrosalud, the General Hospital … At the same time, identify who and how are perpetrating the task, which people and teams are leading, their trajectories and origins. Rigorous monitoring of administrative management is crucial, in particular hiring processes, transparency in the forms of award and the conditions and qualities of those who are selected, “he says.

“Next, it is imperative to know the projects they are carrying out and how they are being carried out. With follow-up and more follow-up, we can identify and know the new institutions with which they intend to replace the previous ones. and discover the model of society they intend to implement “.

(You may be interested: The tough message from the former members of the EPM board of directors).

“Naturally, this information must be brought to public discussion, using all means and forms of communication, in all possible settings, starting with the City Council. Interested organizations and individuals must be convened and the debates given with information Clear and rigorous arguments, and demonstrate the claims without falling into the temptation to use the cheating methods that you want to combat. Findings must be explained and taken throughout the city, made public for all audiences and places. Unmask irregularities and present the demands when necessary, without being intimidated, “he says.

“Finally, explain what you want, what you propose. Exposing irregularities and criticizing the actions of the Mayor’s Office is necessary, but never enough. It is necessary to reflect on previous experiences and lessons learned, approach disappointed people and communities, listen to them, acknowledge mistakes made, recover the social dialogue that has been the wealth of the city and call for new proposals to face destruction; trace the path. This job requires conviction, discipline, persistence, and also courage. It is a test for the new leaderships of the city that is summarized in taking a step forward and moving from complaints and analysis to political construction, “Fajardo concludes.

(See: De la Calle explains what is needed for the union between Petro and Fajardo).

(Read: Roy Barreras wants to create a new political party?).

