Schools in Bogotá, this is the roadmap for back to school – Bogotá


Bogotá begins the path towards the return of classroom classes in gardens, public and private schools and institutions of higher education. The general principle of educational reopening is that in 2020 attendance will not be compulsory, that is, it is in the hands of parents and families to decide whether or not their children return to school. In case they decide to send them there will be protocols, pilots and regular channels; and if not, the institutions must continue to guarantee virtual education.

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“Surveys indicate that, on average, 20 percent of parents have expressed their willingness and interest to access a return. That 20 percent must have the guarantee that the education service is provided to them. The 80 percent who say they do not have to send them, “said Mayor Claudia López, during the announcement of the so-called GPS plan: gradual, progressive and safe reopening.

(Also: Bogotá Mayor’s Office explains how the plan to reopen schools will be)

The GPS, discussed with experts, health authorities and some representatives of the education sector, includes a reactivation schedule, registration processes and rules of the game. Each strategy is different, depending on whether it is a public school, a private school or an institution of higher education.

Keep in mind that students who live with people with risk factors (elderly, comorbidities, etc.) are recommended to avoid being present. For teachers who have comorbidities and risks, the return will not be mandatory either.
Now, a vital requirement is the monitoring of the health of the educational community. If a person experiences symptoms, they should isolate themselves (even without being tested). And if two or more cases of covid-19 are detected in the institution, due notification must be made to the authority to activate health monitoring.

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The gardens and private schools

They will begin their gradual and voluntary reopening from this month, under the agreement with parents, teachers and directors. Face-to-face activities will be allowed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, without time restriction, and attendance will be 35% of the total number of students (but the rest of the plant may be 100%).

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The routes must also respect safe quotas. Know that institutions must have the consent of parents. Also, there is a strict process that must be followed:

oneThe kindergarten or private school must register its protocols on the website of the District Secretary of Education, and private gardens with the SIRSS code will be forwarded to the page of the Secretary of Social Integration. They will receive a number.

twoThe protocols will be reviewed by the Ministry of Health (SDS).

3The SDS will issue a concept on the feasibility of the reopening.

4. The school or garden will have everything necessary and will begin the reopening.

5.There will be random visits from the authorities to verify that everything is in order.

If you detect an irregularity in the protocols, you can file your complaint with the Secretary of Education.

What will happen to public schools

The 399 official institutions of Bogotá will not return immediately, but will have a process of dialogue and consultation with parents, teachers, managers and unions. This Friday, for example, the mayor of Bogotá will meet with Fecode and the ADE to listen to them and reach agreements.

For now, it is known that the dialogue will have three phases:

The first is dialogue and discussion with teachers, parents, students, and administrative staff. In this conversation, nine guidelines will be discussed that include biosecurity measures for the delivery of school snacks, for the transport operation, for school spaces and attention to critical situations in conjunction with families.

This dialogue will take place throughout September and, then, a joint decision on the reopening will be made within the framework of the school government.

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Thus, in October there will be face-to-face and voluntary pilots. The maximum number of face-to-face students will be 35% (not counting teaching or administrative staff) and the rest will follow from home. Of course: it all depends on the epidemiological conditions of the areas where the institutions are located.

During October they will operate under this model and in November an evaluation will be carried out to determine changes or restructuring of protocols. And then, in December, the roadmap for 2021 will be defined. It should be noted that everything is subject to changes depending on the level of contagion in the city.

Higher education may operate at 25% occupancy

Higher education institutions and education institutions for work and human development will have to register their protocols on the website of the Ministry of Education (SED).

The entity will enter to evaluate and verify the information. Then, the Ministry of Health will review all the established protocols and, finally, the SED will send the certification or the inability to reopen.

In case the District does not endorse the protocols, the Secretary of Education will send the institution a list explaining in detail the reason for the inability and a report of recommendations and adjustments to the biosafety protocol.

The face-to-face classes will be: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, with time restrictions in two bands: from 10 am to 4 pm and from 7 pm to 10 pm And the institutions can only receive in person 25% of the total of your students, others should continue with virtual classes.

Once they are in this alternation model, they may be randomly visited by the Ministry of Health to verify that all health measures are being met.
And batteries: these types of institutions do not have to meet a specific schedule for reopening, once they have the District’s endorsement, they can start their alternation model.

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