Schedule, obstacle to go out to exercise


Breathing outdoors, enjoying the scenery, experiencing the feeling of freedom and enjoying the benefits of physical activity, after more than a month of preventive isolation at home, has not been possible for many people from Medellin.

The reason? The schedule established by the Mayor’s Office in alliance with other municipalities of the Aburrá Valley: they allow people to go out on the street to do sports between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.

The measure was not well received by some people, who protested on social networks, and is reflected in the low presence of individuals exercising since last Monday when it began to operate.

Among the arguments that are exposed is the incompatibility of work, since at that time the majority of citizens perform teleworking functions. Others, for fear of acquiring skin diseases, when the sun is at full intensity, prefer to stay locked up at home.

Juan Muñoz, a university professor, was excited when the president Iván Duque He announced the opening for physical activity and suggested that it be done between 5:00 and 8:00 in the morning. However, by giving mayors freedom to set the guidelines, their plans were cut short. “In Medellín, at 2:00 p.m. I am connected with the students and it is impossible to leave, a pity, ”said the professor.

The athlete Diego Colorado He also disagreed: “The strong heat and pollution undoubtedly affect. The best practice is to train in the morning, as happens, for example, in Guarne, which is from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Or failing that, some mayors make the decision to open space at night, when the sun goes down, because even doctors advise that we take care of it. “

The Minister of Sport, Ernesto Lucena, it was clear the day the national government took the measure: “this seeks to improve people’s health, generate physical activity and avoid sedentary lifestyle.”

Mayor Daniel Quintero justified the Medellin schedule for epidemiological reasons. He said that from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. It is an hour of high radiation, which reduces the possibility of contagion. And he added that it is convenient for the production of vitamin D in the body. In addition, he added aspects of order because, according to him, it is an hour that does not interfere with the control tasks they carry out in the city.

Specialists agree on how beneficial it is to move outside the home, as long as there are good conditions and the recommendations are taken into account.

The volleyball player Diana Rios She was confused with the peak and ID and had only been out once, but now that she knows there are no restrictions (except for those under 18 and over 60), she says she will take advantage of that time. “Outside you can breathe good air, it is another environment, the fact of being in another space makes the difference.”

To explain the topic, Carlos Mario Álvarez, Bachelor of Physical Education with specialization in Physical Activity and Health, he uses what he calls the “wise tradition” of mothers to take newborn children to sunbathe, but in the morning or late afternoon, not at noon . “That is a first factor to consider: the vitamins that the sun activates and provides in the body, but always using sunscreen.”

He also points out that walking, jogging, running, cycling or skating improves joint, cardiovascular and muscle functions. And that exercising outside is a good way to combat the stress of being stuck in an apartment or house.

“Even if it is an hour, it gives the feeling of well-being and feeling that there is life around.”

The social psychologist Francie Elena Múnera, confesses that the afternoon heat hits hard, but the fact of seeing the neighbor, greeting him from afar, and receiving the air, generates benefits. “On a cognitive level, it allows us to think about other things; the stress of confinement is left ”.

He points out that going out and seeing more people doing sports is another incentive to say that “this is going to change and gives us the idea of ​​feeling better.”
