Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee passes away, South Korea’s greatest fortune


The president of Samsung Electronics, Lee Kun-hee, which turned the South Korean telecommunications group into a global giant, passed away this Sunday at the age of 78, the South Korean group announced in a statement.

Under his leadership, Samsung became the largest producer of smartphones and electronic chips on the planet. The global business volume of the multinational is equivalent to one fifth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of South Korea, which makes it a fundamental asset for the economic health of the Asian country.

Leeward, Known for his lonely lifestyle, he had been in bed since he suffered a cardiovascular accident in 2014.

Little information had leaked about his health, which surrounded his existence with a halo of mystery until his last days.

“It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Lee Kun-hee, president of Samsung Electronics,” the group announced in a statement. “President Lee passed away on October 25 with his family, including Vice President Jay Y. Lee,” the statement said.

President Lee was a true visionary who has transformed Samsung from a local company to a global leader of innovation and industrial power “, recalls the company adding that” its heritage will be indelible. “

Samsung is by far the largest family conglomerate in South Korea, the 12th largest economy in the world.
