Russia: Russian man stopped aging and looks like a boy at 32 | News | Curiosities – People – Culture


Youth and old age are innate in human beings. So much so that even the cosmetic industry has a complete line dedicated to hiding the passage of time in the body. And naturally, there are people who look a few years older or a few years younger than they really are.

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In any case, age can be concealed, but it is difficult to hide it. It is not common for someone to look 20 or 30 years older. Much less minor.

In fact, this idea of ​​dodging the passage of time has inspired dozens of successful film productions. ‘The curious case of Benjamin Button’ (2008) or ‘The orphan’ (2009) are just some examples. What does not seem plausible is that there are cases like this in the real world. However, they do exist.

On the Russian YouTube channel ‘Vasya in the hay‘they interviewed Denis Vashurin, a man who claims to be 32 years old, but who looks like a teenager of about 13 or 14 years old.

(You may also be interested: ‘Aging begins after 25 years’: scientific).

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His story has been shared in numerous media and has surprised social media users.

Vashurin hails from Primorye, a region in eastern Russia. Since he was a child he realized that his body was not developing at the same time as that of his peers. At first this idea terrified him.

(Also: Do ​​your years of life correspond to your mental age?).

“I thought about how everything would be, what my life would be like, if it would be difficult for me,” the man said to ‘Vasya in the hay’.

Although it is an extensive interview, the man never clarifies whether he has gone to the doctor to find the cause of his condition.

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What he does report is that he has had several problems due to his appearance. The police officers have arrested him after seeing him driving, as they think he is a mischievous minor. These situations irritate him.

“Why do I have to explain to someone every time they talk to me?” He complained in the clip.

Nevertheless, He maintained that he has been able to live relatively normally in his town, as people already know him and are not asking uncomfortable questions. In addition, he has a girlfriend and frequently uploads photos to his Instagram account.

What is this condition due to?

The ‘BBC’ published an article, in August 2015, in which he related the case of a South Korean man who, like Vashurin, also appeared to be much younger.

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To explain the phenomenon, the medium agreed to a series of studies led by scientist and physician Richard Walker, who, in his work, named this condition of extreme youth as ‘syndrome X’, which is not an official name used by the scientific community. Others prefer to use the term Highlander syndrome.

Walker’s suspicion was that this disease may be the product of a DNA defect that generates a kind of abrupt stop in the development of patients. Apparently, the organism cannot have “drastic” changes, which in some periods of growth occur more quickly.

(You can also read: Anti-aging, to a debate to be approved).

It is assumed that when a person reaches adulthood, these transformations cease to occur and, it seems, in cases like Denis Vashurin, this arrest is brought forward.

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