Russia registered its worst daily balance of coronavirus victims: 13,868 infections and 244 deaths


Medical specialists in protective gear transfer a patient to Aleksandrovskaya Hospital, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on October 9, 2020. (REUTERS / Anton Vaganov)
Medical specialists in protective gear transfer a patient to Aleksandrovskaya Hospital, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on October 9, 2020. (REUTERS / Anton Vaganov)

Russia reported its highest number of daily deaths and cases of people infected with Covid-19 on Tuesday, fueling concern that a second wave of the pandemic is affecting the country.

In the last 24 hours there were 13,868 new infections and 244 deaths from the virus, said the Russian center responsible for fighting the virus, and both figures beat previous records set since the start of the outbreak.

Regarding recoveries, 1,031,785 people have managed to overcome COVID-19 in Russia, respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, including 7,550 patients who have been discharged in the last day.

With the fourth highest infection count in the world, Russia has registered just under 23,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic, a much lower figure compared to other severely affected countries.

Officials previously said that they are only counting deaths caused directly by the virus, leading critics to accuse Russia of failing to report Covid mortality to minimize the scale of the situation.

A medical worker prepares for a procedure with a patient in the intensive care unit of the 52 City Clinical Hospital, where patients suffering from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are treated, in Moscow, Russia, on 8 October 2020. (REUTERS / Maxim Shemetov)
A medical worker prepares for a procedure with a patient in the intensive care unit of the 52nd City Clinical Hospital, where patients suffering from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are treated, in Moscow, Russia, on 8 October 2020. (REUTERS / Maxim Shemetov)

Speaking to reporters on Monday, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that “More advanced treatment protocols” they are leading to a lower death rate.

For its part, the National Office for Consumer Protection of Russia (Rospotrebnadzor) has reported that the Russian health authorities have carried out more than 51.3 million tests, including some 172,000 on the last day. A total of 271,195 people in Russia remain under observation as suspected cases of contagion of coronavirus.

Although virus cases in Russia have been on the rise for several weeks, the authorities are reluctant to reintroduce strict lockdown measures.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Russia imposed radical restrictions, closing all non-essential businesses and controlling the movements of infected people through a tracking app.

Most of the Restrictions were lifted in June ahead of a vote on constitutional amendments that could keep Putin in power until 2036.

A doctor at the regional hospital receives the vaccine
A doctor at the regional hospital receives Russia’s “Sputnik-V” vaccine against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Tver, Russia, on October 12, 2020. (REUTERS / Tatyana Makeyeva)

Certain measures have been re-imposed in the capital Moscow, which represents approximately 30 percent of the number of cases in the country.

Last week, the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyaninsaid the city is taking the “Necessary decisions” and asked residents to limit movement until a vaccine is available for mass distribution.

In August, Russia announced the registration of what it claimed was the world’s first coronavirus vaccine, named Sputnik V in honor of the Soviet-era satellite. Several officials have said they volunteered for the vaccination.

The vaccine is currently in essays after registration in which some 40,000 volunteers participate.


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