Russia announces second coronavirus vaccine


The Vektor laboratory in Siberia “has registered the second coronavirus vaccine today, called EpiVacCorona,” Putin told a ministerial meeting by video conference.

The vaccine has a “sufficiently high level of safety,” declared Russian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of health, Tatiana Gólikova, at this meeting. The vaccine will now go to the final phase of trials, which will involve 40,000 volunteers, he added.

The Vektor laboratory, in the Novosibirsk region, conducted secret research on biological weapons during the Soviet period and contains samples of various viruses, ranging from smallpox to Ebola.

Russia registered its first vaccine against the new coronavirus in August, developed by the Moscow research center Gamaleia with the Russian Defense Ministry.

The first Russian vaccine against the coronavirus, Sputnik V, in reference to the Soviet satellite, was perceived with skepticism in the world, mainly because it had not reached the final phase of the tests at the time of its announcement with great pomp by the authorities. and it is already in different Latin American countries, such as Venezuela.

However, a large part of the Russian political elite claims that she was vaccinated with Sputnik V, and Vladimir Putin cited the example of one of his daughters.

And the government hopes to massively deploy it in the country before the end of the year.

Russia experiences a major resurgence of the epidemic in recent weeks, with 14,231 new cases in 24 hours announced on Wednesday, a record since the start of the new coronavirus crisis.

On Tuesday, the country recorded a record death toll, with 244 in 24 hours.
