Resale of tickets: 6 soccer ‘czars’ have already paid fines – Investigative Unit


They stalled, challenged and even campaigned against the superintendent of Industry and Commerce, Andrés Barreto. They also denied any connection with the plot to resell tickets that the Prosecutor’s Office is already investigating.

But EL TIEMPO first established that the Colombian Football Federation (FCF) and Several of its ‘czars’ have already started paying the fines imposed by the SIC, for participating in an illegal agreement with Ticket Ya and Ticketshop to massively divert the ticket office for the 2018 World Cup qualifiers in Russia.

(We invite you to read: Fedef Fútbol pays a millionaire fine, but announces demand)

Luis Bedoya, former president of the Colombian Football Federation

The FBI has Luis Bedoya as a witness for Fifagate. You have not paid the SIC fine.


Mauricio Moreno / EL TIEMPO Archive

The sanction imposed, and confirmed by Barreto, was 18,352 million pesos. And 16,510 million have already been paid, which includes the Federation’s transfer (the highest) and that of six of the football ‘tsars’.

The evidence and facts were overwhelming, as well as the global situation derived from Fifagate, which contributed to uncovering this scandal”Said the super Barreto.

The sanction imposed, and confirmed by Barreto, was $ 18,352 million. And & 16.510 million have already been paid, which includes the Federation’s transfer (the highest) and that of 6 of its ‘tsars’.

(Also read: The audios of the alleged murky payment to the football ‘tsars’)

And he added that, despite the strategies and attacks of those investigated and now sanctioned, the fans and consumers were complied with, and it was shown that for the SIC “There are no untouchables or capricious agendas.”

(Also: Case against soccer ‘czars’ goes to criminal justice and the US)

EL TIEMPO established that the first to issue the check for the fine was the president of the Federation, Ramón Jesurún Franco. The sports leader took 304’617,000 pesos from his assets and handed them over to the SIC.

Payments and demand

Jesurún made the payment on October 16, within the limits established by law.
That same day, they also extended their payments Álvaro González, for 46,467,000 pesos; Elkin Enrique Arce, for 6,765,000 pesos and Claudio Cogollo, for 8,723,000.

Jorge Perdomo paid 97,385,000 pesos in cash and Rodrigo Cobo, director of the Federation, 12,213,000 pesos.

(Also: The secret match of soccer’s ‘exzar’ Luis Bedoya in the US)

The other batch of payments was recorded on October 19. The Federation got up early to consign 16,016’028,600 pesos. The payments of Claudio Cogollo, for 8,723,000 pesos, and of Alejandro Hernández, for the same amount, also entered.

(You may be interested in: Spain stops extradition of Carlos Mattos and grants him protection)

The consignments of Luis Bedoya are still pending, for 262,601,000 pesos, and of others involved such as Elías Yamhure and Roberto Saer. The firms involved have not paid either.

However, after notifying that the Federation paid, Jesurún announced that they will file a lawsuit before the administrative litigation to overturn the decision.
“99 percent of the fines of the SIC are confirmed by the litigation and the lawsuit can take up to 8 years to be resolved”, assured Pablo Felipe Robledo, former Superintendent of Industry and Commerce.

For this reason, it is clear for Superintendent Barreto that, “without fanfare or media shows”, one of the most emblematic cases of the SIC is concluded.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

And he has already transferred the file to the Ministry of Sports for the beginning of the disciplinary process against the directors of the Federation. In the criminal field, in three days he will send it to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Judicial Attaché of the United States Embassy in Bogotá.

[email protected]@UinvestigativeET
