René Higuita’s son denies his father’s heart attack


Good night everyone. A few minutes ago a news item leaked saying that to René Higuita he had had a heart attack, which is totally false ”, the young man trilled.

And he explained in an attached video what had actually happened for his father: “THEIRHe came to the hospital for a routine EKG. But he’s fine right now“.

One of the media that had said that the popular ‘Loco’ had suffered the mishap on a farm in Puerto Berrío was Teleantioquia, whose presenter ventured to say on air: “They say it’s a heart attack”

Newspapers such as El Tiempo and El Espectador managed to echo the information, as well as other journalists.

Message from Higuita’s son denying his father’s heart attack:

“They treat René Higuita for a heart attack,” Teleantioquia trilled:

Media and journalists corrected the information:
