RBD comes to Spotify | RCN Radio


The music of the RBD Mexican group this Thursday night comes to all platforms of streaming, like Spotify and Deezer, and two of its members, Dulce María and Christian Chávez, they agreed to tell Efe that “they owe everything to their dedicated fans.”

“I am very excited. This release is the conquest of the fans and the people, because of the love for the songs and because they needed to have them near them, “Chávez said hours before the songs from the six studio albums could be heard on Spotify, Apple. Music, Pandora and the rest of the music services on the internet.

Read also: Will RBD return to television?

For its part, Dulce María expressed her “joy” with the news: “It’s something we’ve been fighting for for a long time and it didn’t make sense that all the people who love our music couldn’t enjoy it the way they dreamed of.”

The artist, who is in the second trimester of her first pregnancy, finds it particularly important “that this happens at such a difficult time as we live as humanity.”

“Music has the power to make us feel better and more like the music we were happy with long ago,” he added.

Also read: Dulce María’s emotional message about her pregnancy

That past was four intense years, in which Anahí, Dulce María, Christopher Von Uckermann, Maite Perroni and Chávez they starred in the soap opera first ‘Rebel’ in 2004 and later they revolutionized the world by forming the RBD band.

His first album came out that year under the name ‘Rebel’, of which the simple ‘Save me’ was recorded in Spanish, English and Portuguese. In addition, he gave the name to the foundation created in the name of the band, which sought to help homeless children and which operated in Mexico, Brazil and Spain.

Also read: Danna Paola expresses her admiration for Anahí and she reacts


Every year the fans of this band dress in white, red and black on October 4 and celebrate the ‘RBD Day’, which coincides with the date on which the first chapter of the telenovela was broadcast in Mexico.

The annual celebration takes place in Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Peru, the United States, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador and Cuba, where fan clubs organize different singing and dancing activities.

“For us who lived it, it was something exciting at the time, but it is even more moving to see all the energy that they have put into continuing to support us over time,” said Chávez.

Also read: With a movie premiere, Dulce María sent a message about caring for the environment

It is the same force that they put on the arrival of music to ‘streaming’: “The fans did not stop fighting for that. It has been the insistence of the fans that to think that they have been getting older they have not stopped asking this. We are totally grateful to them, “he added.

Sweet Maria he has been fond of throughout his career, which has included some solo performances and, in recent years, an accent on acting.

In fact, it currently promotes his film ‘Beyond the inheritance’ and his special participation in the Telemundo series ‘Falsa identity’, which opens on September 22 in the United States.

“The truth is that for us in monetary terms we don’t benefit much from RBD’s music. Those who would take the income are the record company, Televisa, but the satisfaction is for the people who deserve to have the music they like to enjoy it ”, said the artist.

“We have not seen a penny of anything, beyond what our initial contract said. Neither of the dolls, or the t-shirts, or the underwear, you’re welcome, “Maite Perroni, who stars in the hit Netflix series” Dark Desire “and” The Keys Game “on Amazon Prime, told Efe.


The announcement of the news of the appearance of RBD’s music on digital platforms, which occurred last week, It was celebrated on the Spotify platform by Perroni, Von Uckerman, Anahí and Chávez.

The great absentee was Herrera, who has developed a successful career as an actor, which includes his leading role as the series ‘The Exorcist’, on the American network Fox, and ‘Sense 8’ on Netflix.

However, sources close to the group assure that the rest of the ex-members of the group would be open to the possibility of doing some joint project.

“Right now I am very happy that the catalog is out and a few days ago I was thinking … I would like (a reunion) because it was something that marked me a lot and the truth is I miss my colleagues and it would be an honor to be with them again in a stage ”, expressed Von Uckermann in his social networks.

Fans haven’t given up hope that this is possible and are betting that this is why. Christian Chávez is inviting you to give your information on the RB2.com page.

“It is very important that they register there for the surprise that will be happening in about a month. They will know. It is something impressive, it is something that touches my heart, that fills me with emotion, “said the artist.

“I tell them that their prayers have been heard, their love, their energy, their desire are giving a lot (…). The music returns, but not only the music returns, and later we will surprise them,” concluded Chávez, who will draw a solo album in the next few weeks.

EFE-Alicia Civita
