Prosecutor’s Office suspends local mayor Luis Negrete | THE UNIVERSAL


Due to alleged irregularities in the purchase of health and protection supplies purchased to address the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the Attorney General’s Office announced that it suspended for four months the mayor of the Historic and Northern Caribbean Town of Cartagena, Luis Negrete Blanco.

According to the process carried out by the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Cartagena, Negrete Blanco acquired items for $ 599 million “without clearly identifying the need for the purchase, by not specifying the quantities to be delivered to each beneficiary entity.”

The disciplinary control body determined that the selected contractor did not meet the suitability and specialty requirements required to acquire the supplies.

“According to the investigation, the official received 1,390 N95 protection masks with filter and valve to satisfaction, which did not meet the technical criteria to be used by medical personnel in charge of treating patients affected by COVID-19,” he explained the Attorney General’s Office.

For the Public Ministry, with his actions the investigated violated the principles of economy, efficiency, responsibility and objective selection.

The control body indicated that it sanctioned Negrete Blanco for two disciplinary charges, classified as serious offenses committed by way of gross negligence.

This is a first instance ruling, which was appealed by Negrete Blanco.

“Our client was given a four-month sanction, which, being respectful of the authorities’ decisions, we do not share. An appeal was filed, which will be sustained before November 4 before the Provincial Attorney. We believe that we have sufficient elements to prove innocence in the process and we trust that in the second instance the sanction can be revoked. This is a preliminary sanction not enforceable, “said Milton Pereira, Negrete’s lawyer.
