President of Brazil encourages lack of confidence despite coronavirus cases – Latin America – International


Brazil became the first country in Latin America on Sunday to overcome the barrier of 100,000 cases of covid-19 infections. And, despite the figure, the president Jair Bolsonaro reiterated to thousands of followers in Brasilia his speech against confinement.

The South American giant, with more than 210 million inhabitants, is ranked ninth in the world in terms of infected people, with 101,147 cases, according to the latest official balance from the Ministry of Health. However, it is the seventh in relation to the deceased, surpassing Germany, with 275 new deaths by covid-19 in the last 24 hours.

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Many specialists consider that the total number of infected by covid-19 would be 15 times higher than that reported by the authorities, Because screening tests are only being performed on critically ill patients.

Furthermore, most experts consider that the peak of the pandemic is still far from being reached. But in many states the situation is already critical, with hospitals overwhelmed by the flow of patients.

The two Brazilian states hardest hit by the pandemic are São Paulo, with 2,627 deaths and 31,772 infected, and Rio de Janeiro, which registers 1,019 deaths and 11,139 infections.

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The health systems of both regions, which have paralyzed their economies to contain the virus, are near the limit, awaiting the peak of the pandemic.
Also concerned is the situation in the state of Amazonas, that it has 548 deaths and more than 6,683 cases, with just 4 million inhabitants and whose hospital and funeral services are overwhelmed.

Health Minister Nelson Teich traveled this Sunday to Manaus, the capital of Amazonas, to closely accompany the dramatic situation in the region. Up to the day before, two Brazilian Air Force planes arrived with medical supplies.
The mayor of Manaus asked Swedish activist Greta Thunberg on Saturday to exercise “her influence” to help combat the pandemic in her city. “We need help. The lives of forest protectors must be saved, saved from the coronavirus. We are facing disaster, barbarism, ”said Arthur Virgilio Neto on Twitter.

We need help. The lives of forest protectors must be saved, saved from the coronavirus. We are facing disaster, barbarism

Despite the situation, Bolsonaro continued this Sunday dismissing the measures of the governors who have sought, through confinement measures, to prevent the spread of the virus, which in the world already leaves about 3.5 million infected and at least 247,000 dead.

“The destruction of jobs by some governors is irresponsible and inadmissible. We are going to pay dearly for it in the future, ”said the president in a broadcast of the protest live on Facebook.

The demonstration this Sunday in Brasilia gathered a larger crowd than in previous weeks, with many banners against Rodrigo Maia, the president of the Chamber of Deputies., and against Sergio Moro, the former Justice Minister who resigned last week with accusations of interference against Bolsonaro.

Unlike the previous protests, the president, who had no face mask, kept his distance from his followers, from the ramp of his official residence at the Palacio de la Alvorada. Rather than encouraging the crowd, the President settled for making a short speech.

He then went down the ramp with his nine-year-old daughter Laura to greet the protesters, but he stayed more than two meters from the crowd.

