President Iván Duque declares himself ideologically as from the ‘pure center’ – Political Parties – Politics


President Iván Duque He assured this Monday that he is in the “pure center” of the political spectrum.

He did so by intervening in a virtual way at the Atlantic Forum ‘Ibero-America and the world: post-pandemic challenges’ in which he spoke about the matter by responding promptly about where he is ideologically.

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“When the extreme right tells you that you are from the left and the extreme left tells you that you are from the extreme right, it means that I am in the ideal place, which is the pure center,” said Duque.

And after this he added: “I am an extreme center and I will continue declaring myself as an extreme center, because I believe that here what we need is to look forward, with development, thinking about what benefits society and not be diverting that neither to one side nor to the other “.

Although his origin is liberal, Duque is a member of the Democratic Center, a party with right-wing tendencies.

The president assured that the future is at the center, as well as the present and said that in that sense he will continue to carry out his government program.

And precisely in that sense, the head of state recalled that he was elected as his party’s candidate with a government program, with the same one that won the open consultation, with which he won the first round and with which he was elected president with the greatest vote so far.

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Duque said that this is the program with which he governs and that his commitment to the country is to govern for all with the program with which I was elected.

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And President Duque, without referring to anyone in particular, but in an apparent allusion to former President Juan Manuel Santos and his interview this weekend with EL TIEMPO, said that “in the face of certain statements, and with this I do not intend to answer anyone, I always remember a tango that says the sadness of having been and the pain of no longer being “.

He said that usually happens many times when one sees comments, but still the facts are more eloquent than the speeches and the testimonies.

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In that sense, the president said that it was necessary to put things on the table as they are and recalled that Since when he was a senator, he had a lot of qualms about the peace process, even when the plebiscite was held he campaigned for No.

“When I assumed my presidential candidacy, I always said in front of the peace process a phrase neither sadness nor laughter,” he stressed.

