Pornographic scene in Congress session: They request investigation – Congress – Politics


What happened this Tuesday in a virtual session of the House of Representatives, in which a pornographic video was projected for a few minutes while the congressmen held a debate on political control, put on the table the vulnerability of the platform on which they are carried out. currently conducting Parliament discussions.

“While the debate on the San Juan de Dios Hospital progressed in the Sixth Committee of the Chamber, the platform was repeatedly sabotaged. They entered unauthorized accounts, pornographic videos and insults during my intervention, “said the representative of the List of Decency, María José Pizarro, who cited this debate.

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Pizarro, who also published a photograph with the images, which hours later he deleted, asserted that “hackers“They entered the platform and that” every time I tried to intervene “insults of all kinds came out. Even pornographic videos” appeared repeatedly. “

Faced with this issue, the board of directors of the Sixth Commission recognized that “this circumstance could not be avoided, possibly due to the lack of security on the platform.”

“Facts like these show the few security guarantees offered by the platform and the lack of support from the Planning and System Office to precisely shield the sessions”, said the board of directors of the Sixth Commission, in a letter sent to the Administrative Directorate of the Chamber.

What caused the most concern about the letter, which calls for an investigation of the facts and prosecution of those responsible, is that the Chamber itself recognizes that anyone could enter the session.

“Any of the participants can authorize entry to whoever requests it, silence or remove the other participants, as well as share screen at the time they want.”

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The event took place in the middle of a debate that congresswoman Pizarro cited about the San Juan de Dios Hospital, cultural heritage of the Nation in health, arguing that “it intends to be demolished, and in which minutes, agreements and decisions have been identified on time. administrative irregularities within this procedure “.

The debate was attended by the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Health, the Director of the National Planning Department, the Governor of Cundinamarca and the Mayor of Bogotá.

