Pornographic scene appears in full virtual debate of Congress – Congress – Politics


In the midst of a virtual debate in the Sixth Committee of the Chamber held on Tuesday about the San Juan de Dios Hospital, congressmen denounced that “unauthorized accounts, pornographic videos and insults were entered.”

(Can read: The defense of Jerónimo Uribe by his father on Twitter)

“While the debate on the San Juan de Dios Hospital progressed in @ComVIcamara
from @CamaraColombia, the platform was repeatedly sabotaged. They entered unauthorized accounts, pornographic videos and insults during my intervention, “said the representative of the List of Decency, María José Pizarro, who cited this debate.

Pizarro, who also published a photograph with the images, which he deleted hours later, asserted that “hackers” entered the platform and that “every time he tried to intervene” insults of all kinds came out. Even pornographic videos “appeared repeatedly.”

(Also: Cepeda explains donation to NGO related to witness against Uribe)

The congresswoman added that this fact seems serious, because they were guaranteed that “the platform was impossible to hack” and that no strangers could enter.

“What happened today shows that this is not the case and is susceptible to being hacked and that when we are conducting a debate on political control, the debate is sabotaged in this way It is not only a total lack of respect but it is absolutely dangerous and unacceptable that the platform of Congress is sabotaged, “said the opposition.

The congresswoman reported this fact in the plenary session of the Chamber before which other parliamentarians warned that it was an “absolutely serious” fact.

(We suggest: President Duque’s collection account for the term ‘massacre‘)

“The virtuality of the Colombian Congress is a gigantic lie, there are no guarantees for any Congressman. The platform used is TOTALLY VULNERABLE (sic) and does not give guarantees for the performance of our work,” Pizarro trilled.

For his part, the representative to the Chamber, Leon Fredy Muñoz, wrote in his networks: “They sabotage with a debate orgy in @ComVIcamara unscrupulous people prevent the issues of the opposition from being discussed, were they sent by sectors that like the Polarization?”.

Congresswoman Pizarro cited this debate on political control over the San Juan de Dios Hospital, Cultural Heritage of the Nation in health, arguing that “It is intended to be demolished, and in which irregular minutes, agreements and administrative decisions have been identified in this procedure.”

The debate was attended by the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Health, the director of the National Planning Department, the Governor of Cundinamarca and the Mayor of Bogotá.

(In other news: Why did Federico Gutiérrez go on the attack?)

So far no one has responded to this complaint from the congressmen.

Twitter: @PoliticaET
