Pope Francis sends message to protesters around the world


Pope Francis on Sunday urged protesters from all over the world to be peaceful and the authorities to respect their rights, without mentioning any country in particular, while his “Foreign Minister” is in Belarus.

“In these last weeks we have witnessed popular protests in many parts of the world, which express the growing discomfort of civil society in the face of particularly critical political and social circumstances, ”he highlighted after the traditional Sunday Angelus prayer at the Vatican.

“I urge the protesters to present their demands peacefully, without giving in to the temptation to resort to violence, and I call on all those with public and governmental responsibilities to listen to the voice of their fellow citizens and to fulfill their just aspirations, guaranteeing full respect for human rights and civil liberties, ”added the Argentine pope.

The Secretary of Relations with States, that is, the Pope’s “Foreign Minister”, Monsignor Paul Gallagher, is visiting Belarus from Friday to Monday, and there he would meet “with the authorities, civilians and officials of the Catholic Church ”The Vatican said in a statement on Friday.

A month ago, Francis assured that he “carefully follows the post-electoral situation” in Belarus, calling “for dialogue, rejection of violence and respect for justice and the law.”

The controversial re-election of Alexander Lukashenko as Belarusian president in August unleashed an unprecedented protest movement in this country, which has been harshly repressed by the security forces.

