Pope Francis: Christmas message about Venezuela and vaccines – Religion – Life


Pope Francis asked for hope for the American continent, “particularly affected by the coronavirus, which has exacerbated the numerous sufferings that oppress it,” in the Christmas message delivered this year inside the basilica and not looking out on the balcony of the central lodge due to the pandemic.

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“May the eternal Word of the Father be a source of hope for the American continent, particularly affected by the coronavirus, which has exacerbated the numerous sufferings that oppress it, often aggravated by the consequences of corruption and drug trafficking,” Francisco said in his message that, like every year, reviews the evils and crises in the world.

From the hall of blessings inside the Basilica of San Pedro, Francisco made reference to Chile and asked that the child Jesus “Help overcome recent social tensions.”

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And he also begged for it to end “to the suffering of the Venezuelan people.”

At this moment in history, marked by the ecological crisis and by serious economic and social imbalances, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, we need fraternity more than ever, he said.

This year due to restrictive measures due to the pandemic and with a confined Italy, the pope delivered his traditional Christmas message inside the basilica without the presence of the faithful and not leaning out from the balcony of the central loggia. review the evils, and the crises and wars in the world.

Francisco asked that “at this moment in history, marked by the ecological crisis and by serious economic and social imbalances, aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic, we need brotherhood more than ever.”

(Also: He was Andrés Felipe, the visionary journalist who was murdered in Cali)

He also urged those with responsibilities to guarantee the vaccine to all “especially to the most vulnerable.”

And he prayed that closed nationalisms, individualism and the law of the market do not prevent vaccines from reaching everyone.

“Vaccines for all”, asked Francisco.

(Also: This would be the vaccination against covid-19 of the migrant population)

