Police say gasoline was sprayed on CAI in Bogota riots


According to Colonel William Alonso Arias Bolaño, in Noticias Caracol, he and several of his men had gone to answer a call for protests that were taking place at the CAI facilities in El Tintal, as a result of the death of lawyer Javier Ordóñez to the hands of several policemen in Engativá.

“We arrived and they attacked us with stones, and they made us enter the CAI. They sprayed gasoline on us and around the facilities. I did not know what was happening at the time. However, about 100 people surrounded us, ”the officer said on the news.

Colonel Arias said that a great majority of vandals wore hoods, that some were able to “observe firearms” and that is why they had to seek refuge along with 16 other soldiers until reinforcements arrived.

The Police officer acknowledged that it was thanks to the residents of the neighborhood that they managed to get out alive, as a group of citizens interposed to stop the attack.

The leaders of the security fronts that we have did not stop trying to mediateBut there were many violent people and they did not give us the opportunity to separate, ”he added in the newscast.

Part of this situation was recorded on video by a woman who was trying to cross through that area, and who came face to face with a burning CAI and riots.

“Oh, my God, they burned the CAI of Kennedy,” exclaimed the woman, who managed to record several young people when they destroyed the site. However, there were also reports that police officers were shooting at protesters.

Regarding the wounded policemen, General Gustavo Moreno, deputy director of the National Police, said at a press conference that about 100 uniformed officers throughout the country suffered “traumas in different parts of the body”, and that there are “seven hospitalized” in delicate state of health.

“The one with the greatest severity is a captain who was hit by a firearm at the height of the abdomen”Moreno said.

The total balance provided by the Police was seven people dead (five of them in Bogotá and the other two in Soacha), 66 wounded by firearm, 12 injured by sharp weapon and 97 more with injuries.

The riots reappeared this Thursday with the fire at the CAI del Verbenal, in the town of Usaquén, a site that had already been vandalized last Wednesday. That is why the mayor Claudia López announced that although a curfew will not be imposed in the capital, in any case it is necessary for citizens to collaborate and be at home before seven at night.

These videos show part of what happened in that sector of the capital, as well as the riots that began in the CAI of Villa Luz.
