Photo of two penguins wins prestigious award: see it here – People – Culture


In 2019, Australian photographer Tobias Baumgaertner captured a moving scene that became famous around the world in the first half of 2020. In March of this year, Baumgaertner shared the image on his Instagram account.

Quickly, received the praise and tenderness of social media users and, later, the attention of the media.

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However, the emotion that the image aroused did not stop there. It also won one of the 2020 Ocean Photograph Awards, in the Community Choice Award category.

What is the scene about? They are two widowed penguins who seem to be hugging and looking out to sea off the coast of St. Kilda Pier in Melbourne, Australia. According to what Baumgaertner explained at the time, both animals have recently lost their partners.

This is especially harsh for that species, since penguins are generally monogamous. That is, they share their entire life with a unique partner.

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“At times like this, the truly lucky ones are those who can be with the person or people they love the most. I captured this moment about a year ago,” the photographer explained at the time.

He added that: “These two penguins on a rock, looking at the Melbourne skyline, they were there for hours, fin to fin, looking at the bright lights and the ocean.”

According to him, shared the image because he wanted to bring hope when humanity was filled with uncertainty due to the new coronavirus pandemic, which caused a real health emergency in several countries in Europe.

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“A volunteer approached me and told me that the white woman was an old woman who had lost her partner and apparently also the young man on the left. Since then, they have regularly found each other comforting and standing together for hours watching the nearby city lights dancing.“he noted later.

According to his account, he spent three nights with the penguin colony before taking the award-winning and acclaimed image. Additionally, he pointed out that he had great difficulties photographing the animals due to the harsh conditions that he had to face.

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(Can you read us from the app? See the photo here).

“Between not being able to use any lights and the little penguins continually moving around, rubbing their fins on their backs and cleaning each other, it was really hard to get a shot but i was lucky for a beautiful moment“he explained.

The photo was nominated along with four others and was chosen by the public as the best of all.

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“It has been an honor to be selected as one of the five images and I cannot express my gratitude to all who have supported me”said the photographer. “Thanks a million, you are the best!”, He concluded.

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With information from La Nación (GDA – Argentina)
