People who earn less than the minimum wage will have subsidies


Through a press release, the ministry assured that workers who earn less than a current minimum wage per month, derived from their economic activity, from now on they will have a “social protection mechanism”.

According to the Ministry, the people covered by this measure will be affiliated with the health subsidy (unless they are in a special regime as beneficiaries), to the Complementary Social Service of Periodic Economic Benefits (BEPS) and to the Inclusive Insurance.

“Likewise, dependent employees who are linked to the ‘Social Protection Floor’ will have access to the Family Subsidy System, once it is regulated,” the office said in the document.


The portfolio also noted that this mechanism will have mandatory and voluntary associates. “The contribution must be made monthly by the employer or contractor, as appropriate, and may be made at any time during the month in which the activity is developed”, added.

“In the first case, it will be the contractors, who, as a result of their part-time dedication, receive income lower than a monthly SMLMV, while in the second there will be those who do not have any labor or contractual relationship, including producers in the agricultural sector,” he emphasized .

The main objective of this initiative, according to the Ministry of Labor, is that people with low economic resources can generate future savings for their old age, without being a pension.
