Peak and plate in Medellín for taxis today Monday, September 28


Due to the coronavirus quarantine, the peak and plate in Medellín and its metropolitan area was suspended since last March 24.

The restriction was lifted for private vehicles and motorcycles, but is maintained for taxis.

In context: Medellín suspends peak and plate due to national quarantine

Through his Twitter account, the mayor of Medellín shared the decree with which the peak and plate were suspended and clarified that the measure was to facilitate the movement of health personnel.

Months later, with the new exceptions, circulation permits and reactivation of some economic sectors, on May 26 the peak and plate for taxis returned throughout the Aburrá Valley and has been in force since then.

On Monday, August 3, the rotation of the pick and plate for taxis in Medellín changed.

That week the restriction was pedagogical and from Monday, August 10, the sanctions began, which imply a fine of 15 legal minimum daily wages in force, that is, about 439,000 pesos and the immobilization of the vehicle.

Electric, hybrid and vehicular natural gas taxis are exempt from the measure.

For this Monday, September 28, the peak and plate applies in the taxi-type vehicles whose license plate ends in 3.

The peak and plate for taxis in Medellín begins at 6:00 in the morning and ends at 8:00 at night.

peak and plate taxis medellin second semester 2020.JPG

Courtesy Secretariat of Mobility of Medellín.
