Peak and plate in Bogotá since September 2020


After six months, the peak and plate size for private cars returns to Bogotá with some modifications. It begins this Tuesday, September 22 and will be in force from Monday to Saturday, from 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

  • Plates finished in an even number will be restricted on even days
  • Plates ending in odd will not be allowed to transit on odd days

The new peak and plate contemplates three additional exceptions, that is, they will not be sanctioned:

  • Health personnel may use the vehicle without restriction
  • Those who share their car with at least three people during the entire tour
  • You will be able to pay the congestion charge of $ 2,066,000 every six months

If you do not comply with the rule, which seeks to restrict the vehicles that move through the capital by 50%, is exposed to a fine of 438,900 pesos.

Since last March 20, when the quarantine simulation was carried out to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Bogotá had no peak and plate restriction.
