Peak and plate in Bogotá: schedule starting September 22 – Bogotá


The mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, explained that the peak and plate returns to the city at the same time that was established before the restriction was lifted. Although last week he had said that this would also apply on Saturdays, this Monday he explained that there were several citizen requests asking that this not be the case.

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The measure will then apply from this Tuesday, September 22, Monday to Friday, from 6 to 8:30 a.m. and from 3 to 7:30 p.m. The scheme will be the same as always: plates ending in an even number are restricted on even dates and when the last digit is odd, they cannot transit the odd days.

What will change are some exceptions. The president of the capital reported that, For the first time, private vehicles that carry three or more occupants throughout the journey will not have a pick and plate, from the origin to the final destination. This was called shared mobility. It is important to remember that everyone must wear their mask.

López also indicated that if any citizen wants to avoid the peak and plate, they can make a semiannual payment of an amount greater than two million pesos.

Likewise, hybrid or electric vehicles dedicated to natural gas will be exempt from the measure.

The measure will not apply to health personnel either. “We are still in a pandemic and they continue to be the greatest caregivers of our city. Everything we can do for them and for their care we will do,” said the mayor.

(Also read: What do the experts think of the return of the ‘peak and plate’ in Bogotá?)

The exceptions contemplated by Decree 846 of 2019 are still in force, such as: hearse, presidential caravan, vehicles of State security agencies, vehicles of home utility companies, among others.

Regarding the application of the restriction on Saturdays, the president made it clear that this option is not completely ruled out and that it will be analyzed if air pollution rates increase to make the decision.

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