Peak and plate in Bogotá in October 2020 – Bogotá


Bogotá begins October with a peak and a badge, which officially returned on September 22.

The novelty, this month, is that on October 6, the economic offers will begin for those who do not comply with the vehicle restriction. The fine for transit will be 15 smdlv, which is equivalent to 438,000 pesos.

(You may be interested in: Everything you need to know about the peak and plate in Bogotá)

To avoid a comparison, we remind you of what the peak and plate will be like in October in Bogotá:

Peak and plate schedule

It will go from Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

There will be no peak and plate on Saturdays.

It will be for odd and even dishes

The peak and plate will work under the already known model of odd and even plates. This is the schedule of the Ministry of Mobility for private cars:

October 1st: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 2nd: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 3: Saturday, no pick and plate
4th of October: Sunday, no pick and plate
October 5th: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 6: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 7: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 8th: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 9: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 10th: Saturday, no pick and plate
October 11th: Sunday, no pick and plate
October 12 °: Festive, no pick and plate
October 13: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 14th: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 15th: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 16: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October the 17th: Saturday, no pick and plate
October 18: Sunday, no pick and plate
October 19: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 20: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 21: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 22: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 23: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 24th: Saturday, no pick and plate
October 25: Sunday, no pick and plate
October 26th: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 27th: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
October 28: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
October 29th: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
30th of October: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
31 October: Saturday, no pick and plate

If you have another type of vehicle, you can check the peak and plate schedule here.

How to sign up for the pick and plate exceptions?

Remember that there are new exceptions to the peak and plate in Bogotá:

– Those who go by car with three or more people will not have a pick and plate: For that, they must register on the website of the Ministry of Mobility. Click here to sign up.

In this case remember that:

– Babies, children and adults count for the quota. They do not count pets.
– The whole group must share the journey from beginning to end.
– They must register once a week. The data is deleted on Sunday, so you must repeat the registration every week.

(We invite you to read: How does the use of the shared car work to avoid having a pick and plate?)

– Health personnel will not have a pick and badge: In other words, anyone who works in human health services can move freely in their car. They must carry their card that certifies them as workers in the area and register.

(We invite you to read: Are you health personnel? This is how you must register to avoid having a peak and badge)

– Hybrid vehicles will not have a peak and plate: These are the cars whose motorization is by combustion (diesel or gasoline) and work, alternately or simultaneously, with an electric motor.

“To be exempted, the applicant must pre-register the vehicle on the platform designated for that purpose. The SDM will validate this registration with what is reported in the Runt; therefore, the vehicle will only be understood to be incorporated into the register of excepted after this verification has been carried out. “, clarifies the Ministry of Mobility.

(Keep reading: Do you have a hybrid car? So you can register it so you don’t have a peak and plate)

– Those who pay ‘solidarity peak and plate’ will not have a peak and plate: Paying a fee of 2’066,000 pesos every six months, you can be exempt for a semester of peak and plate. But, beware, to access the benefit you will also have to comply with a social service.

(We tell you all the details: This is how you can pay to avoid having a pick and plate in Bogotá)

This is how the number of registrations for exceptions goes (cut off to Tuesday, September 29, 6 pm)

Solidarity peak and plate (congestion charge) 1,257 subscribers

Shared car (minimum 3 people including driver): 19,215 *

Health personnel 8,386

* This figure returns to 0 every Monday.

And what about the cameras?

To prevent the cameras from detecting you as an offender (even if you are among the exceptions) you must register your exception on the website of the Ministry of Mobility. Only until you register will you be exempt.

What other exceptions are there?

We remind you that these exceptions continue to apply to the peak and plate:

1. Electric vehicles and zero polluting emissions.

2. Presidential caravan. Group of vehicles that are part of the security scheme of the Presidency of the Republic and are at the service of inherent activities.

3. Vehicle of diplomatic or consular service. Automotive identified with plates
special assigned by the Ministry of Foreign Relations.

4. Hearses. Vehicles destined and / or technically suitable for the transfer of coffins, owned by funeral homes or mortuary agencies.

5. Vehicles of State security agencies. Vehicles that belong to or are part of the State security forces, Military Forces, National Police, National Protection Unit and Technical Investigation Corps of the Attorney General’s Office and those that exercise legal functions of judicial police.

6. Emergency vehicles. Motor vehicles duly identified and illuminated,
willing to mobilize people affected by health, prevent or attend disasters
and / or calamities, or police activities, duly registered as such with the
rules and characteristics required by the activity for which they are enrolled, and the
motor vehicles owned by companies that provide home health care,
duly identified, only when medical personnel travel in them in

7. Vehicles used to transport people with disabilities. TOmotor vehicles that transport or are driven by people whose motor, sensory or mental condition permanently limits or restricts their mobility. The permanent disability condition that limits mobility must be clearly accredited with the corresponding medical certification, issued by the EPS, IPS or ESE. The exception applies only to the registration of one (1) vehicle per person with a disability.

8. Vehicles of companies of domiciliary public services. Automobiles destined or contracted by the domiciliary public service companies, exclusively for the maintenance, installation and / or repair of the domiciliary public service networks in the city of Bogotá, DC, as long as they have full and public identification, consisting of the logos of the contracting company painted or attached to the bodywork.

9. Vehicles for traffic control and cranes. Crane-type automobiles and those intended for traffic control in the Capital District.

10. Emission and discharge control vehicles. Vehicles used by the
District Secretary of the Environment or by the Ministry of Environment and Development
Sustainable or whoever takes its place, for the review, attention and prevention of
polluting emissions and discharges, as long as they have the logos painted or attached to the bodywork.

11. Motorcycles.

12. Vehicles assigned by the National Protection Unit to citizens who have protection measures, during the time indicated by said unit.

13. Media vehicles. Vehicles owned by the mass media of radio, press and television that have the distinctive of the media painted or affixed to the body in a visible way and that transport personnel or technical communication equipment for the development of journalistic work. For purposes of registration in the registry of excepted, a license issued by the National Authority or whoever acts in its place must be presented, where it is authorized as a means of communication.

14. Vehicles of judicial authorities. Vehicles owned by magistrates, judges, prosecutors and delegated attorneys before the high courts, to whom the Sectional Council of the Judiciary, the Attorney General’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office certify that they perform said work in Bogotá, DC, or in the department of Cundinamarca, and not have an official vehicle for transportation.

15. School transportation vehicles. Vehicles owned by educational institutions and only when they are used for the transportation of their students. These must operate and be fully identified in accordance with the rules that regulate school transportation.

16. Private vehicles such as automobile, camper and truck destined for the
automotive education
, that are registered with the Single Registry
National Transit (Runt) as such, that meet the characteristics
established in Resolution 3245 of July 21, 2009 issued by the Ministry
of Transportation, who are providing instruction and who have PESV
(Strategic Road Safety Plan) approved and in force at the time the District Mobility Secretary makes the respective authorization.

If you do not have the registration with the Ministry of Mobility and need to do so, click here.

