Outdoor physical activity in Pereira: Pereiranos will be able to exercise outdoors without time restrictions | Pereira


In order to avoid crowds in parks or city streets, From the municipal administration, the decision was made to allow all people over 18 years of age and under 60 to be able to do sport, individually, at any time of the day, during a period of one hour.

This is how the Pereira’s sports secretary, Gustavo Rivera, adding that for these physical activities the bill and schedule will not govern.

“It was defined that people can exercise at any time of the day to avoid crowds, there will be no time restrictions. What we want is for people to be physically active and not group together in a single park or space, “he reported.

He also recalled that all major sports venues are still closed; In addition, the physical activities that are regulated are jogging, cycling and others that can be done individually.

“The big stages are closed like the Hernán Ramírez Villegas stadium or the different coliseums in the city. The other stages are open as long as they don’t touch the metal or wooden structures because the virus can be there“, he claimed.

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It is very important to highlight that all protocols and biosecurity measures are mandatory, such as the use of face masks, keeping a minimum distance of five meters from other people and do not touch public gyms or elements on the courts to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
