Orange Alert in Kennedy: disinfection Calandaima and Bavaria


From this Saturday, the UPZ of Bavaria and Calandaima are on orange alert before the increase of infections. In the area, a unified command post was installed and disinfection and pedagogy began to remind people not to leave their homes.

The first day was led by the mayor, Claudia López, who played the peripherals in the Calandaima, Bavaria and Patio Bonito areas. Bogota City Hall

Starting this Saturday, May 9, the Zonal Planning Units (UPZ) of Bavaria and Calandaima entered an orange alert due to the outbreaks of contagion of Covid-19 that have been identified in the town of Kennedy, where there have been a greater number of cases.

Know the numbers of infections by locality

Given this, the Mayor of Bogotá installed a Unified Command Post (PMU) very early and began disinfecting the UPZ of Bavaria (Villa Alsace and Marseille), Calandaima (Tintala) and Patio Bonito (Patio Bonito, Tairona and María Paz ), where there will be greater restrictions during quarantine, at least until next May 23.

The conference was led by Mayor Claudia López, who accompanied the disinfection and pedagogy work. In addition, together with the Secretary of the Government, Luis Ernesto Gómez, he made a conference call in the sector.

ABC to understand orange alert in the Kennedy town of Bogotá

The president recalled that you should avoid going outside as much as possible and should only be done for what is strictly necessary, always wearing face masks. “We are going to take care of each other. Kennedy is the heart of Bogotá and we are on orange alert because we have a high risk of contagion. Here we are with the health, Police, Fire and Civil Defense teams walking the streets and explaining to the people the measurements. “

Likewise, the president indicated that this exercise will be carried out in the points that outbreaks of contagion are identified, while with respect to the restart of activities she indicated that they asked the different sectors to avoid restarting work in this area or with people living there, motivating continue teleworking.

Before the declaration of the orange alert, the exits in the area are limited, only to the essential. Along with this, massive tests will be carried out in the UPZ, intensive pedagogy, as well as targeted aid will be delivered to vulnerable people, permanent health brigades, police controls and constant disinfection of public areas will be carried out.

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-Drafting Bogotá – [email protected]


Claudia López led control and disinfection day at Kennedy



