Orange Alert in Barranquilla to stop covid infections


The District of Barranquilla declared the orange alert in its territory, with which it will be able to have and activate “resources, areas and reinforcement personnel required according to the situation.” The measure was taken in order to safeguard the fundamental right to health of the population and mitigate the impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

The decision is made based on the report issued by the Regulatory Center for Emergencies and Emergencies (CRUE) of the District Secretary of Health, regarding the increase in the indicators of positive cases, the occupation of intensive care units and the increase in deaths.

According to the daily monitoring, carried out by the CRUE, it has been shown that the demand for care for health services FIA In adults, in patients diagnosed as suspicious or positive for covid-19, it has increased gradually, which has been addressed with the available installed capacity of the District.

In the second week of March, ICU-bed occupancy was 62.6% and in the third week it increased by 86.2% including covid and non-covid attentions.

With the declaration, the District will be able to manage access and opportunity to care in intensive and intermediate care units. In article 2 of decree 055 of March 28, 2021, it is stated:

“… Coordinated and centralized management of intensive care units and intermediate care units. The District Health Secretariat, through the Regulatory Center for Emergencies, Emergencies and Disasters -CRUE-, will carry out the coordination management and other powers as a result of the declaration of the orange alert … “.

Management shall be understood as the actions and decisions for the benefit plan administration companies within the framework of their legal competence to ensure the quality of the provision of health services in adult intensive and intermediate care units as established in article 3 of Decree 1011 of 2006.

According to the decree, in accordance with the Early Warning System (SAT) with the orange alert declaration you can:

  • Arrange and activate during this phase the resources, areas and reinforcement personnel required according to the situation.
  • Coordinate and implement the required expansion actions, low complexity procedures are reprogrammed and patients are discharged to give priority to the care of the injured.
  • Activate the required hospital internal response teams.
  • Activate referral and counter-referral mechanisms for patients.

Likewise, the decree indicates that Health Provider Companies (EPS) should promote strategies for prevention, containment, mitigation and care, aimed at detecting early stages of the disease, strengthening their outpatient care models with permanent monitoring of the population with covid-19, according to prioritization and risk classification , and they must reinforce education and information actions for their entire affiliated population, in relation to isolation, biosecurity and self-care measures, including the mobilization route between the home or home and the covid-19 vaccination points, as well as the return and stay at home until completing the vaccination schedule defined in the guidelines of the Colombian Ministry of Health.
