Orange alert decreed in other neighborhoods of Kennedy, Bogotá town most affected by COVID-19


The Government Secretariat announced other neighborhoods of Kennedy that will also be special care areas, due to the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 in the town. The District stated that it will focus its efforts on the towns most affected by the pandemic.

During a tour of the special care areas in the town of Kennedy, the Secretary of the Government, Luis Ernesto Gómez, announced the prioritization of other sectors in this town located in southwestern Bogotá.

The new areas are part of some sectors of the UPZ Kennedy Central (Ciudad Kennedy Occidental, Ciudad Kennedy Sur and Pastrana neighborhoods), UPZ Américas (Ciudad Kennedy neighborhood) and UPZ Corabastos (Ciudad Techo and María Paz), where actions will be strengthened protection, care and disinfection. Along with these areas, the orange alert for this town will rule in the following places: in the Villa Alsacia, Marseille, Bavaria, Calandaima, Tintal, Tairona and Patio Bonito neighborhoods.

Gómez affirmed during the tour that “what the town of Kennedy lives is a hard lesson for everyone of what happens when quarantine and biosafety measures are not complied with. Today, 1 in 5 Covid cases are concentrated here and only by complying with a strict quarantine for 2 weeks can we achieve effective containment. We are going to take special care of Kennedy with pedagogy, a reinforced police presence and with many doctors and health personnel in the homes. ”

In context: Orange alert is decreed in Kennedy, the town most affected by Covid -19 in Bogotá

The official pointed out that, since the declaration of special care areas in Kennedy was announced, “permanent epidemiological surveillance, disinfection sessions, delivery of targeted aid and pedagogical activities have been carried out to take care of the health and life of the inhabitants of this location”.

In turn, in these areas, 27 investigations have been carried out for possible Covid-19 contagion in the field, as well as telephone follow-up of 372 people for any health risk, 15 possible outbreaks of Covid-19 attended, 201 children under five years have been vaccinated with a regular schedule, 240 people characterized in random visits to their homes, 57 appearing for not using the mask and 27 routes of hydro-washing and disinfection days.

In Kennedy there are approximately 1,200,000 people, of whom 115,000 are in special care areas. As of May 12, 2020, the number of infections in that town reached 942, out of the 4,563 that the city has.

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Bogotá Newsroom / [email protected]


Orange alert decreed in other neighborhoods of Kennedy, Bogotá town most affected by COVID-19



