Oral sex: Curiosities of oral sex supported by science | Sexual relations | Sexuality – People – Culture


Even today, in the XXI century, doubts persist about certain sexual practices. Many of these issues are usually handled under the stigma of ‘taboo’, however, the scientific field has investigated certain issues in depth and has discovered beneficial properties of some of the actions ‘between the covers’.

Such is the case of oral sex, a practice in which one of the partners in intercourse stimulates the sexual organ of his partner through the use of his oral faculties. Science has shown that this, from a physical health perspective at least, has great benefits for both women and men.

Among the certainties discovered by science appears, for example, the presence of oral sex in other species of the animal kingdom. An act that, also in these groups, is performed during intercourse.

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Oral sex improves health

In 2012, an investigation was carried out, led by the University of New York, in which certain organic properties of seminal fluid were revealed. According to the conclusions, semen has “mood-altering chemicals” very similar to antidepressants.

This is important since, in the practice of oral sex, the partner will be exposed to receiving the secretions of the other person.

The study, which was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior at the time, indicated that two types of antidepressant (serotonin and thyrotropin) and a sleep-inducing agent (melatonin) were found in seminal fluid.

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The research was carried out as a result of the analysis of the sexual lives and mental health of 293 women. Their depressive episodes were examined and it was found that these are rare in women with an active sexual life.

Avoid a form of high blood pressure

Although it seems somewhat unusual, it was discovered thanks to an investigation published in the specialized journal ‘Journal of Reproductive Immunology’.

The study shows that “oral sex and sperm swallowing correlate with a lower incidence of preeclampsia, which fits in with the existing idea that a paternal factor is involved in the appearance of pre-eclampsia ”, indicated the magazine.

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It is worth noting that preeclampsia is a picture of high blood pressure that usually appears during pregnancy. However, and according to the results of the investigation, There is a high probability of creating defenses against this condition after ingesting semen.

Pregnant women

Preeclampsia occurs in pregnant women.

Oral sex is a shared experience

A study, published in 2010 in the ‘Journal of Sexual Medicine’, indicated that The practice of oral sex is not a matter that only men receive, because they also do this for their partner.

Oral sex, generally speaking, is carried out before sexual intercourse in order to start stimulation.

In any case, the research indicated that more than 65% of the men surveyed claimed to have done oral sex, a number that in the case of the women interviewed stood at 55%.

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It also occurs in the animal kingdom

A group of researchers observed, for a time, the behaviors during copulation of bats. With this it was discovered that a species of these winged animals usually performs oral sex in order to prolong the mating time (Apparently, if the female sucks on the male’s member, it will ‘last longer’).

This research was carried out in 2010 and was led by the Guandong Entomological Institute in China. The results showed that, in effect, the sexual act between fruit bats lasts as long as fellatio occurs.

It is worth noting that this unusual finding, according to the ‘ABC’ medium, won an Ig Nobel, which are the ‘alternative’ prizes to the original Nobel and which focus on curious investigations – to call them somehow.


Bats are a species of the animal kingdom that practice oral sex as an ‘add-on’ during intercourse.

