Opponent accused of attack against Maduro will have a house for jail


However, the politician will be under house arrest, because he is accused of participating in the failed drone attack against Nicolás Maduro on August 4, 2018. This was the moment:

Since his arrest, the Primero Justicia party, of which Requesens is a member and the two-time presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, reiterated that “he is innocent” and that he was imprisoned for political reasons, like other opposition deputies from Venezuela.

“Although today my brother will be able to sleep at home and in his bed, there are many INNOCENT Venezuelans who cannot. We will not stop fighting for them “, wrote on his Twitter account Rafaela Requesens, the deputy’s sister.

Rafaela Requesens accompanied the message with a photo in which the deputy can be seen very thin and covered with a mask:

Capriles also published a video on social networks in which Requesens can be seen arriving at his house, greeting his family and his lawyer, Joel García, with a smile:

A video shared by the National Assembly last December with images of Requesens before being imprisoned shows the physical impact he had on El Helicoide in two years:

Requesens, who began her career as a student activist, greets his partner in the video and asks him not to make him cry and affirms: “Two years, we move on.”

García also explained on his Twitter account that Requesens “had his detention site changed” and “He is in his residence with police custody”.


Requesens was arrested and accused of being part of the failed attack that Maduro suffered, with a drone loaded with explosives. Since then he has been detained at El Helicoide, a center of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin).

As the lawyer García has denounced on several occasions, the legislator “has not been able to defend himself” at any stage of the judicial processNot even during the trial that formally began in November 2019 and has been suspended since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The detainees in that shady jail, in the center of Caracas, survive in terrible conditions and in 2019 the BBC recreated the conditions inside, where inmates live in overcrowded conditions and – according to the testimony of guards and former detainees – they are tortured during interrogations:
