Nutritionists advice to have healthy and balanced diets in quarantine


Diet is a key point in the successful development of health, even more so at this time. Here the expert advice

Margarita Coneo Rincón –

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life and in the midst of this circumstance, having to be at home, one tends to lose the habit of fixed meal times that were determined by aspects such as work, in that there is a specific time for these food breaks.

Among the nutritional behaviors that most affect health is the omission of breakfast According to Olga Lucía Pinzón, nutritionist and professor at the University of Rosario and Méderi, “in children it can make them have greater risks of being overweight and obese,” adding that water consumption cannot be neglected either, as this helps the proper functioning of the immune system. He also explained that changing water for sugary drinks can also harm the body.

Second, “it is important to take care of the portions, in these times of stress, anxiety and uncertainty, there is a tendency to increase the portions or eat more. In addition, people begin to opt for what they call ‘snacks’, that is, packages, fast foods and others that are not healthy for the person, ”Pinzón explained.

Eating outside of established hours is another behavior that affects health, mainly the hormonal and cardiac cycle, since changes in these times condition the effect that food produces according to the time of day when it is consumed; This is called chronutrition. Additionally, there are other problems that can develop such as gastritis, intestinal and stomach diseases and even some cases that may require specialized medical attention. Finally, in aspects such as sleep, attention and bodily sensations such as tiredness, are also affected by intermittency in schedules and diets.

On the other hand, there are harmful foods in large quantities and here the highly processed ones stand out, which tend to be high in fats, sugars and salt. On the contrary, the consumption of fiber is recommended, since it helps to avoid overeating, something key to keeping the digestive system healthy.

Faced with this, Isaac Kuzman, a nutritionist doctor, recommended having a “limit the sugar intake and recalled that if you want to eat something sweet, fresh fruit should always be the priority. Now when choosing other dessert options, make sure they’re low in sugar and small in size. Also, be careful with low-fat options, as they are often high in added sugars. Also, limit your fat intake and opt for cooking methods that require less or no fat, such as steaming, grilling, or stir-frying rather than frying food. ”

With regard to food and diet as such, experts recommend that Take an inventory of what you have and also plan what you will eat each day.

“Foods that can never be lacking in protein cooking are eggs, lean meats and chicken and avoiding eating wings, rumps, skins and visors. In fish, salmon, trout, snapper and sea bass are recommended. In carbohydrates we recommend high fiber content, cookies, tubers with peel, banana, yucca and avoid consuming fried, “concluded Mariah Molina, Bodytech nutritionist.

Key tips to improve your habits

“Review and write down the food you have at home and plan your consumption; use what is already in your pantry first, as well as food with a shorter shelf life; with this, it will avoid waste ”, assured Issac Kuzmar. In addition to knowing what she has, Olga Pinzón recommends making a daily schedule of what will be consumed during the day, so you can see how balanced her diet is. For his part, Molina stressed that you should always have five meal times and these should not be replaced or suspended by other drinks or foods other than the initial diet.


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