Number of coronavirus cases in the world today, August 30 – More Regions – International


More than 25 million cases of the new coronavirus have been registered in the world, much of it in the United States and Brazil, where the pandemic has claimed more than 120,000 lives. In India, for its part, this Sunday she broke the world record for infections in one day.

(See here: Venezuela aspires to produce the Russian Sputnik V vaccine)

Since COVID-19 broke out in China at the end of last year, at least 25,057,670 cases and 842,915 deaths have been reported, according to an AFP count this Sunday from official sources.

Almost 4 out of 10 infections have been registered in the United States and Brazil, the two most affected countries, with 5.9 million (182,760 deaths) and 3.8 million cases (120,262 deaths) respectively.

The South American giant crossed in these last hours the gloomy threshold of 120,000 dead without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Unlike Europe and Asia, where the virus hit hard and then declined, in Brazil it is proceeding at a slow and devastating pace, says Christovam Barcellos, a researcher at the prestigious scientific institution Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz).

Brazil is unique in the world. Since the beginning of the pandemic, its curve has been different from that of other countries, much slower“He told AFP.” Now it has stabilized, but at a very dangerous level: around 1,000 deaths and 40,000 cases per day. Brazil has not yet passed the peak, “he added.

Since the virus broke into the country, the crisis has become a political issue. The president, the far-right Jair Bolsonaro, he condemned the “hysteria” surrounding the virus and attacked governors and mayors who imposed measures of social isolation.

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Experts agree that the lack of a coherent message from Brazilian leaders is responsible for the country’s failure to flatten the curve. Another country in the southern cone that on Saturday surpassed a tragic threshold is Argentina, which reached 400,000 infections.

Its rate of progression in the number of new cases has skyrocketed in the last seven days, reaching 35%. Amid the record of infections, the government announced the extension of confinement measures until September 20.

India coronavirus

India, the second most populous country in the world after China, reported its first case of the new coronavirus on January 30.

World record in India

On the other side of the Pacific, Asia, which was the first epicenter of the epidemic, is once again the region of the world where the most new cases have been recorded in the last seven days (570,819), of which more than 8 out of 10 cases were registered only in India.

On Sunday, the second most populous country on the planet with 1.3 billion inhabitants, announced that it had registered 78,761 new cases of coronavirus in 24 hours, a new world record.

The previous record was on July 17 in the United States, where 77,638 new infections were declared, according to data recorded by AFP. The pandemic, which has hit large cities such as Bombay or New Delhi, is now taking hold in less important cities and rural areas.

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These figures were announced the day after a new relaxation by the government of the restrictions in force since March, a measure that seeks to relaunch the country’s economy, paralyzed by the health crisis.

On the other hand, other countries that had managed to contain the spread of the virus, are re-imposing measures against new outbreaks. In South Korea, restrictions will be tightened this Sunday in the Seoul region, where half the population lives.

