Nobel Prize in Medicine claims that covid-19 was created in a laboratory


This was stated by Luc Montagnier, better known as the person who discovered HIV, in an interview with CNews

Laura Fernanda Bolaños R. – lbolañ[email protected]

Speculation around the sudden arrival of the covid-19 coronavirus is getting louder, and this time a winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine is the one who has given strong statements on the subject.

Luc Montagnier, better known as the person who discovered HIV, said in an interview with CNews that the pandemic, which has already claimed the lives of more than 219,000 people worldwide, was a human and laboratory creation.

As reported by La F.M, the virologist stated “I have no idea who did it, but we know that it was professional work done by molecular biologists, who inserted HIV-1 genes, the AIDS virus, into a coronavirus.”

Montagnier also pointed out that the work carried out is very “meticulous, like that of a watchmaker”, and explains that although it could have been created naturally afterwards, it had human manipulation in which elements of the HIV virus were added.

For the doctor, the probability of this creation is that it could have been due to a mistake and because he was looking for “finding an HIV vaccine”. This theory is in addition to others in which several governments have been included, such as the United States, which has manifested a manipulation on the part of China and not having stopped it, when possible.


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