Nicolás Maduro reiterated to the UN his invitation to accompany the legislative elections


Speech by Nicolás Maduro at the UN

The Venezuelan dictator, Nicolas Maduro, reiterated this Monday, when speaking at the summit to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, your invitation to the UN to “accompany” the legislative elections to be held on December 6.

“This year, we have elections in Venezuela, it is the 25th election in 20 years. We have invited the Secretary General of the United Nations to send a technical commission to accompany the elections process for a new parliament, a new National Assembly, on December 6, “said Maduro by intervening telematically.

The elections are involved in controversy, since a group of opponents led by Juan Guaidó rejects them, considering that there are no conditions so that there are fair elections in Venezuela.

The Venezuelan regime extended an invitation at the beginning of the month to European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) so that they participate as observers in the electoral process.

However, the EU responded a few days later stating that don’t have enough time to send an electoral observation mission to Venezuela if the elections are held for next December 6, since the invitation was made after the deadline.

Nicolás Maduro during his speech to the UN (@NicolasMaduro)
Nicolás Maduro during his speech to the UN (@NicolasMaduro)


On the other hand, Maduro showed his support for the consolidation of a multipolar world compared to another with a single “hegemon” that considers a contradiction with the XXI century.

Today we are faced with a challenge, or we build a multipolar world where we all exist, we are respected, a world of balance, with full respect for the United Nations System and the international system, or a hegemonic world is imposed, dominated by a single hegemon. , a unipolar world ”, he affirmed.

In his opinion, the first option facilitates the existence of a world “in its diversity, in its peace, in its cooperation”, while the second is “the world of hegemon, of imperialism.

Also, showed its support for the World Health Organization (WHO), since, as he considered, in the face of the pandemic, “needs the greatest union of mankind”And that organization supposes“the expression of multilateralism in a fundamental area of ​​the life of the peoples that is health”.

That is why he criticized that the WHO had “had to endure attacks, aggressions and insults” at a time when he believed that the organization needed union and support.

Finally, and as he did last Friday when speaking at the summit on the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, he denounced that Venezuela for years has been the victim of “multiform attacks” with “criminal and illegal sanctions”, as well as with coercive measures.

(With information from EFE)


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