NEWS: More than 300 Spanish citizens return to their country from Colombia


This is the last return flight. More than 300 Spanish citizens return to their country from Colombia.

More than 300 Spaniards undertook this Saturday to return to Madrid from Bogotá, in one of the last repatriation flights organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies and consulates due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The returnees are traveling on an Iberia charter flight that arrived in Bogotá on Friday with about 300 Colombians who were in Spain and is scheduled to depart back this afternoon, with an expected landing in Madrid at 05.35 local time on Sunday.

“The phase of return flights has already ended, this phase is considered closed, and the Spaniards who remain here will be assisted, those who have a need from the consular point of view, but for now there are no more scheduled flights,” he said. to Efe the Spanish ambassador to Colombia, Pablo Gómez de Olea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain announced last Thursday the closure of the repatriation phase with flights this weekend from Colombia, Australia, Thailand, Bolivia, Morocco, Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and The Gambia, “to whom, foreseeably, another three would have to be added, currently, under consideration. “

In this way, more than 25,000 Spaniards have been repatriated since the state of alarm was decreed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 300 Spanish citizens return to their country from Colombia.

