New York Times highlights the signing of James Rodriguez in the Everton Premier League | Colombians Abroad


The arrival of James Rodríguez at Everton was without a doubt one of the summer’s bombs. The Merseyside team highlighted their star signing in style and the Colombian quickly won the praise of the whole world. Hard work award.

Precisely the New York Times, acclaimed American media, was in charge of analyzing the arrival of the cucuteño to the Premier League and the media impact that this generated.

The author Rory Smith first started from the close relationship between James and Carlo Ancelotti. It is no secret to anyone that the Italian coach is like the “football father” of ex-Real Madrid. He takes him where he goes, pampers him, gives him the necessary minutes, understands, in short, a perfect father-son relationship.

“When Rodríguez leans over to select a bottle of water, Ancelotti walks away from the game and gently places a hand on the player’s back. It is an almost paternal gesture, full of satisfaction, pride and affection. He leaves it there for a second or two: long enough for Rodríguez to know that he is appreciated ”, explains the medium.

On the other hand, Smith focuses on the media impact. Everton made three star signings (James, Doucuré and Allan), but it is the one from Envigado who takes all the spotlight. Remembering when the Colpatria Tower was painted blue or the billboards in Times Square and Miami Beach. All a rockstar.

And no wonder, according to Richard Kenyon, the club’s marketing director, James is the eighth athlete in the world with the most “following” on social networks. In short, what it generates at the marketing, advertising and other levels is exceptional.

As for sports, the two games he has played have made his enormous quality clear. Smith precisely recalled that Everton was characterized by hiring young talents that in the future would mean great income for the club, but that in sports they did not allow to aspire to a league or European title.

With the 29-year-old midfielder things change because “it is a signing for today”, the opportunity to hit the table with top-notch players and thus aspire to important titles. “The only way, ultimately, to rejoin the elite is to first act as a testing ground for it,” he says.

Finally, the impact of the signing on the fans was analyzed. The images and videos on social media speak for themselves. Before playing officially, the fans ‘toffee’ had a great illusion with the arrival of James. It was the star they were looking for. Premier matches arrived and happiness increased by a thousand. Chants, tattoos on his face, wild celebrations, all of this generated the Colombian quickly. Total hype.
