New warning to the ARL for not giving biosecurity material to medical personnel


Attorney Fernando Carrillo Flórez called on the Ministry of Labor to investigate and sanction the Occupational Risk Insurers (ARL) that are not fulfilling their duty to supply biosecurity material to medical personnel.

“We cannot continue eating the story that by sharing gloves in some kits, they are already fulfilling the obligation they have,” warned the head of the Public Ministry in his virtual intervention before the Senate Ethics Committee.

The control entity, in a preventive action of surveillance and monitoring of the deliveries that are being made by the ARL, established that of the 7’051,559 personal protection elements dispensed to 2,231 Health Care Institutions (IPS), 93% correspond to gloves and surgical masks (face masks).

For the Attorney, it is questionable that despite the fact that the Ministry of Labor defined the list of biosafety elements that must be provided, ARL as Positive, Seguros Bolívar, Seguros Alfa and Colmena have not delivered monogames, while Seguros Alfa, Colmena and La Equidad Seguros have not included face shields, leggings, or isopropyl alcohol gel. In other cases the number of elements is insufficient compared to demand.

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In the opinion of the Public Ministry, none of the occupational risk managers has provided disposable caps for health workers who attend cases of covid-19, despite the high risk of contagion in which they are, since this is one of the elements included in the list defined by the Ministry of Labor.

Thus, as part of the preventive action, the Office of the Attorney General identified the delivery of 1,427,373 surgical masks, 2,257 mono-goggles, 10,016 face shields, 31,758 visors, 97,890 leggings, 4,936,328 non-sterile gloves and 170,640 N95 respirators, the latter, considered of vital importance because their function is to protect the eyes, nose, mouth and respiratory tract.

“680 thousand workers in the health sector perform a transcendental task to overcome the pandemic”, so for the Attorney General it is essential to guarantee the protection of those who are exposed to situations that put their life and health at risk and that could turn them into covid-19 transmission vehicles.
