New strain of coronavirus: how the new variant detected in the UK may affect vaccines


  • Drafting
  • BBC World News


Vaccine application is already underway in many countries, as new strains emerge.

The spread of a new strain of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19, across the south of the United Kingdom has raised a question: will it render the vaccines already in use useless?

The British government confirmed on Saturday that the new variant of the virus – believed to be more contagious – is rapidly spreading across southeast England, prompting new restrictions and quarantines for the local population, in addition to dozens of countries have suspended flights to and from the UK.

Health authorities still they have no indication that the new strain is more lethal or causes more severe symptomss.

Experts assure that, based on the information available so far, this new variant will not disable the effectiveness of vaccines that have already been approved for mass use in the population.
