New normal: Mayor Claudia López announced new changes for the city. – Bogota


The mayor of Bogotá Claudia López announced about the latest changes that the new normal that takes place in Bogotá since the economic opening of various sectors of the economy began after the drop in the figures for ICU occupancy, infections and deaths in Bogotá due to covid-19.

(Read also: The peak and plate returns to Bogotá, it will not apply on Saturdays)

The president said that the downward trend in the number of cases and deaths of covid-19 as well as ICU admissions is evident and that is why greater openness can be considered. Also, because the quota of schoolchildren who still do not attend school can be used, the schedules for other sectors can be made more flexible.

The retail trade will be able to operate from now on seven days a week, however, they will start working after 10 in the morning. The tasks of essential goods and services will not have time restrictions.

The manufacturing sector will be able to operate from 10 a.m. to 5 a.m. the next day and construction in non-residential areas after 10 am without restrictions.

(Also read: This is how the experts see the return of the ‘peak and plate’ in Bogotá)

Large surfaces must control their capacity and comply with all biosafety regulations, the same will apply to any type of establishment. Crowds should be avoided at all costs.

From the Huitaca auditorium it was announced that the measure of the peak and ID will be ended from tomorrow after 10 in the morning and that gambling businesses, churches, cinemas, billiards and gyms will be able to reactivate their activities as long as they comply with all biosecurity measures.

Restaurants must rigorously monitor their capacity. Bogotá a Cielo Abierto is maintained with all its regulations.

Educational establishments may operate at the requested time seven days a week according to the permit issued by the Ministry of Education (SED) and in the same way, controlling the capacity of students. So far only 136 institutions have been registered for safe face-to-face reactivation.

The restriction on the sale of alcoholic beverages is maintained between 9 p.m. and 10 a.m., except in restaurants and gastrobars.

Work at home continues to prioritize those activities that allow it, especially for people with comorbidities. Companies must report all active cases of covid-19.

The opening of bars, discos, dance venues and the like, as well as concerts or mass events in closed places, is still prohibited.

López also confirmed that the peak and plaque are back and that it accepted the request of the citizens that the measure not apply on Saturday. However, the measure in the future is not ruled out for environmental reasons. Health personnel will be excepted, those who pay a sum greater than 2 million pesos every six months and those who can transport three people on their trips. Also electric and hybrid vehicles.

(Be sure to read: Raids in Bogotá hours before the protests)

Home health care, centralized management of ICUs from the Ministry of Health will continue to be strengthened In addition, other agreements will be added, such as the identification and care of people with comorbidities to mitigate the risk against covid-19, the vaccination processes as well as the detection, isolation and reporting of cases of people with coronavirus. “Anyone with symptoms should, without the need for a test, isolate themselves immediately,” said Mayor Claudia López. This is necessary to achieve an epidemiological fence.

Each EPS should monitor their patients and improve their health conditions. All users of these will receive educational material to detect signs of alarm against covid-19.

TransMilenio will no longer have capacity limits, it will seek that peak hours are not the same as in the past and it will be ensured that all biosecurity measures are carried out.

López said that a second peak is inevitable but that the idea is to make it more manageable than the first.

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