New measures imposed in the United Kingdom due to outbreaks of coronavirus


Although at first he downplayed the pandemic, Johnson emphasized that these new measures decreed by his Government have the main objective of stopping the spike in infections in the United Kingdom.

“Never in our history has our destiny and collective health depended so much on our individual behavior. Unless we act responsibly, we must assume that the restrictions I have announced will be in effect for perhaps six months, “he said at a press conference.

Curfew for bars and restaurants, mandatory use of masks and restrictions on sports are some of the measures of the British government, to combat the second wave of the coronavirus health emergency.

For compliance with these implementations, the English government will have the support of the armed forces to reinforce the work of the police when deemed necessary, since the monitoring of restrictions has been quite relaxed at times.

These new measures are now “necessary but not inevitable,” the leader of the Labor opposition, Keir Starmer, lashed out in the House of Commons. who reproached Boris Johnson for not having developed an effective testing and tracking system.

In the UK, according to the latest published health balance, 5,000 new COVID-19 infections were registered in the last 24 hours, for a total of 406,054 cases since the start of the pandemic.
