Naomi Campbell’s diet to maintain her figure that ignited the alerts of healthy eating specialists


In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, the British model Naomi Campbell explained that “at lunchtime I don’t deprive myself of anything, but only because I eat once a day “. The statements of the former top model, 49, about the crazy diet she follows to maintain the figure, earned her harsh criticism for the wrong message about good nutrition and, above all, for the impact her words may have on those people suffering from an eating disorder, such as bulimia or anorexia.

While quarantined in her New York apartment, the supermodel, who is turning 34 in fashion, interviewed Sharon Stone and other famous friends for her YouTube series, “No Filter with Naomi.”

As the model explained in a YouTube video, a social network in which she has begun to gain popularity in recent weeks for her beauty and health content, although she has no major limitations when choosing the products she eats, their diet is based on eating only once a day to have controlled calorie intake.

His main meal is midday and that’s when he eats what he wantsrevealed. “I make my lunch, which is also my dinner because in reality I only eat once a day ”, the model said without shame, that next month she will be 50 years old.

He breaks this strict routine on Sundays, the day that Campbell takes more leave of his controversial diet and indulges himself. “At the weekend I reward myself and I allow myself to indulge in some desserts, like cakes or puddings.”

Beyond eating once every 24 hours, the former top model also said that much of her regimen is based on liquids and juices. “To start the day I prepare a smoothie with more than ten ingredients “, affirmed the businesswoman, who also pointed out that her breakfast also has some additional restrictions such as dairy and gluten.

The revelation of the model to WSJ generated alarm among the health professions, who came to clarify that the diet plan carried by the model is not recommended for anyone and that it can put the health of the person who carries it at risk.

Not the first time that one of the world’s top models has unfortunate comments. Seven years ago, he confessed, that in his best moment of his career in times of parades he has reached go ten days without eating solid practically. “Like when I feel like it and I’m not starving. If I want to go a day without eating, I do it and I only drink water or juices, ”said Campbell, who, in addition to this extreme diet, admitted that he hates the gym and prefers to follow an exercise routine at home.
