Nairo Quintana Case: The response of the World Anti-Doping Agency – Cycling – Sports


The investigation into suspected doping of the Colombian cyclist Nairo Quintana is continuing, although the Marseille Prosecutor’s Office released the doctor and physiotherapist, who were detained in the middle of this process.

The Prosecutor’s office informed that the investigations continue and that there will be new interrogations before making a decision on all the elements collected. In any case, the Public ministry did not report any charges against the two doctors or against the cyclists (Nairo and Dáyer Quintana), who also testified.

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Although it is an investigation carried out by the Marseille Prosecutor’s Office, TIME He consulted with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) about whether they had any kind of notification from the French body.

“In relation to the question about this case, WADA has no comment to make at this time,” was the emphatic response of the source consulted by the World Anti-Doping Agency, based in Canada.

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Nairo confirmed that he had been interrogated for the first time on the 16th, but assured that in the search of the hotel room where he was staying during the Tour stage that day, the Gendarmerie did not find doping substances.

The leader of the Arkea, 30, also assured that he has nothing to hide and that he has been a “clean” runner throughout his career. Some other cyclist from his team has also given a statement to the investigators.

