Mutiny in Los Llanos prison in Venezuela leaves at least 17 dead


The military authorities of the neighboring country assured through a press release that there are about nine wounded, among them the director of the prison. “The disruption of public order originated when inmates broke the perimeter security bars in an attempt to escape massively,” added in the document.

Carolina Girón, official of the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory (OVP), NGO defending the rights of prisoners, He indicated that the disturbances are still continuing within the detention center.

Girón, likewise, emphasized that the reason for the riot is that “The prisoners are upset because they do not allow them to have visits”, and “They currently have neither food nor water” due to high overcrowding.


Following the quarantine declared in mid-March in Venezuela by the coronavirus pandemic, family visits to inmates were prohibited by the Ministry of Penitentiary Affairs. Prisoners often receive food and medicine from their loved ones.

A Window to Freedom, another NGO that defends prisoners, last year recorded 192 deaths due to lack of space in prisons, while the OVP documented 97 deaths caused by infectious diseases, due to the lack of medicines and medical attention.

The Nicolás Maduro regime has so far not registered deaths and cases of contagion with COVID-19 in Venezuela’s prisons.
